Fried Chicken for the Cure?

KFC sells fried chicken for breast cancer--the new pink bucket donates 50 cents.

ByABC News
April 23, 2010, 11:50 AM

Apr. 24, 2010— -- Kentucky Fried Chicken is fighting breast cancer – one big pink bucket of chicken at a time.

In the latest incarnation of pink ribbon promotions, the prominent breast cancer advocacy group Susan G. Komen for the Cure has teamed up with KFC in a national "Buckets for the Cure" campaign which will run until May 23.

But while the endeavor guarantees to bring big money to the cause, this unlikely partnership is rustling more than a few feathers in the breast cancer community -- eating fatty foods, argue some detractors, increases the risk of breast cancer.

For each pink bucket of chicken purchased, KFC will donate 50 cents to Komen with the ultimate goal of $8 million -- which would be the single largest donation ever received by the organization.

The campaign has already raised $2 million in its first week alone.

While corporate partnerships like the "pink bucket" provide essential non-profit funding for breast cancer advocacy, Komen's current campaign raises the question among some critics: is pink promotion being taken too far?

It sends a mixed message, says Barbara Brenner, executive director of Breast Cancer Action. "They are raising money for women's health by selling a product that's bad for your health … it's hypocrisy."

Eat a Breast to Save a Breast

As the world's largest breast cancer organization, Komen provides the largest source of nonprofit funds to breast cancer research and advocacy and has affiliates throughout the country.

"Pinking" fried chicken is only one of Susan G. Komen for the Cure's nearly 240 corporate partnerships, says Andrea Rader, director of marketing and communications at the organization.

KFC has over 5,000 restaurants nationwide, 900 of which are in communities that Komen currently has no presence or outreach in, so when the fast food chain expressed interest in a partnership, Komen took it as an "opportunity to connect and educate," Rader says.

"Mother's day is typically KFC's biggest sales day, so the idea was that this would be a good window for this promotion," Rader says. "We find that when people see these kinds of promotions, they act on it, whether by going to the website, talking to a neighbor or a doctor, and that's critical to us -- that awareness."

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