Cancer-Stricken Girl's Make-A-Wish Playhouse Stalled by Homeowner Association

But Ella Schultz, 6, who is battling cancer, could get her playhouse after all.

ByABC News
March 5, 2015, 3:22 PM

— -- A cancer-stricken girl's wish for a dream playhouse might be fulfilled after all now that the local homeowner association, which initially blocked the request, said it is trying to find a compromise.

The story of Ella Schultz, 6, made headlines after her Make-A-Wish request -- a backyard playhouse -- was rejected by a local homeowner association, according to local news station KCTV 5 News in Kansas City.

Originally, the team at the Make-a-Wish foundation managed to get construction company JE Dunn to donate time and materials, according to a spokeswoman for JE Dunn.

But the plan hit a snag when the Stone Homeowner's Association initially said the playhouse violated certain neighborhood rules, according to an emailed statement.

For the past few days, Ella has been treated for her cancer at the University of Kansas hospital.

A new statement from the Stone Homeowner's Association suggested the girl might be able to arrive home to find a new playhouse in the yard.

The homeowner's association told ABC News the initial request was not accepted because the board needed more information to grant an exception to the neighborhood rules. The association added in its statement to ABC News that it will try to work with the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the JE Dunn construction company to figure out a way to give Ella her very own playhouse.

"Our hearts are with Ella Schultz and her family as they battle this terrible illness," read a portion of the statement. "In hopes of getting enough information, we are requesting an immediate meeting with Make-A-Wish and J.E. Dunn Construction to work out a solution in the most expeditious manner possible."

Ella Schultz's original Make-A-Wish request for a playhouse was denied by local homeowner association.

If the plans are approved, both the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the JE Dunn construction company said they'd be happy to get the playhouse built for Ella.

"Our desire, as it is with every child we serve, is to grant their one, true wish," read a statement from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. "However, we have a responsibility to follow local regulations, ordinances and laws within the communities we serve. We hope to see a resolution to this issue soon and we remain committed to granting Ella’s heartfelt wish."

Ella’s parents were evaluating multiple requests for comment and have not yet responded to ABC News’ request, according to a spokeswoman for the University of Kansas Hospital.