Viral 'Quad Mom' Ashley Gardner Gives Birth to Quadruplets

Odds of two sets of identical twins is 1 in 70 million natural births.

ByABC News
December 29, 2014, 10:43 AM

— -- It was the shocked expectant mom face seen 'round the world.

Last fall, Ashley Gardner's priceless expression went viral when her husband snapped a photo of her as she found out she was pregnant with two sets of identical twins.

And now, after a little more than 29 weeks, the babies have arrived via cesarean section.

"Mom and babies are doing incredible!!!" the family wrote on its Facebook account, A Miracle Unfolding -- Gardner Quadruplets. "We are so happy with how everything turned out today! The doctors, nurses, and staff were incredible!! More updates to follow soon!!"

The quadruplets are actually two sets of identical twins, which is so rare that its odds are 1 in 70 million.

The smallest baby was just less than two pounds, and the rest were more than two pounds, according to the Facebook page. All four newborn girls have dark hair, it said.

"Mama is doing great and Dad is over joyed!" the Facebook page read.

The Pleasant Grove, Utah, couple had tried to have children for years but Ashley Gardner, 27, had endometriosis, making conception difficult. So they underwent in-vitro fertilization and had two embryos implanted. But the embryos split, creating two sets of identical twins. In a natural birth, the chances of this happening is one in 70 million.

The Gardner family welcomed four babies on Sunday, when doctors delivered their rare quadruplets via C-section.
Ashley Gardner was shocked when she learned she was having quadruplets.