Report: Massive Fire Sprinkler Recall

ByABC News
July 18, 2001, 6:02 AM

A R L I N G T O N, Va., July 18 -- Millions of potentially faulty sprinkler heads in offices, schools and homes are expected to be recalled this week, USA Today reported today.

It said the recall, expected from the Consumer Product SafetyCommission on Thursday, will cover more than 30 million GB modelsprinkler heads made by Central Sprinkler. The heads are equipped with O-ring water seals that have beenfound to corrode, which could cause the sprinklers to fail during afire, the paper said.

It noted that in 1998 the federal safety agency ordered thecompany, based in Lancaster, Pa., to replace 8.4 million sprinklerheads marketed under the Omega brand and ordered it to pay a $1.3million fine. The paper said Underwriters Laboratories, an independent testingcompany, has cited at least two fires during which GB sprinklerheads like the one to be recalled this week had failed. It said neither the Consumer Product Safety Commission nor TycoInternational, which acquired Central Sprinkler in 1999, wouldcomment on the expected recall.