The Insider: Daily Terrorism Report

ByABC News
March 24, 2004, 5:05 PM

Mar. 24 -- The Clinton administration had "no higher priority" than combating terrorists while the Bush administration made it "an important issue but not an urgent issue," former counterterrorism adviser Richard Clarke said in testimony in front of the national commission investigating the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. In a two and a half hour question and answer session, Richard Clarke told the bipartisan commission that "although I continued to say it (terrorism) was an urgent problem I don't think it was ever treated that way" by the current administration in advance of the strikes two and a half years ago, the Associated Press reports.

And a report to the 9-11 Commission reveals that there were at least three occasions on which U.S. officials believed they had sufficient intelligence to plan for a military strike against Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.



U.S.Ex-Adviser: Terrorism Not Urgent for BushThe government's former top counterterrorism adviser testified Wednesday that the Clinton administration had "no higher priority" than combatting terrorists while the Bush administration made it "an important issue but not an urgent issue." (AP)

Panel: CIA Uncertain of Bin Laden Action

The CIA did not believe it had the authority to kill al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden before the Sept. 11 attacks, a federal commission said Wednesday during high-visibility hearings on missteps in U.S. counterterrorism policies. (AP)

Missed Opportunities

Report: U.S. officials could have toppled bin laden pre-9/11. (ABCNEWS)

Conclusions of 2 Reports

Following are excerpts from the conclusions of reports issued yesterday by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States on efforts to counter the danger posed by al Qaeda and the role of military force in combating terrorism before Sept. 11, 2001. (NY Times)

Full Text: Public Testimony Before 9/11 Panel (NY Times)

United Arab Emirates

U.S. Embassy Closes in Emirates

U.S. embassy and the American Consular office closes in Emirates after receiving 'specific threat'. (AP)

The Hunt for Al Qaeda

In Osama's Back Yard

Green Berets employ Vietnam-era tactics in bin Laden hunt. (ABCNEWS)

U.S. Sets Up Base in Afghan Mountains

AP Exclusive: U.S. sets up base in Afghan mountains, playing lead role in hunt for al Qaeda. (AP)

Rockets Hit Northern Pakistani City As Al Qaeda Hunt Enters Ninth Day

Pakistani troops and gunmen linked to al Qaeda fought new gun battles near the Afghan border as rockets hit the city of Peshawar in an apparent retaliation for the military offensive, officials said. (AFP)