Chinese man realizes he accidentally photobombed wife 11 years before they met

Chinese man realizes he accidentally photobombed wife 11 years before they met
Chengdu Shangbao
ByABC News
March 20, 2018, 1:58 AM

A Chinese couple that met on a blind date in 2011 and married the following year very nearly met more than a decade earlier while vacationing in the same city.

While visiting his wife's mother about two weeks ago, Mr. Ye was looking through old photographs and saw his wife, Ms. Xue, in Qingdao at the exact same spot on the exact same day -- and there in the background of a picture of her, was him.

In this photo from 2000, Mr. Ye, in the background, and Ms. Xue hadn't yet met, but they after meeting on a blind date in 2011, they married in 2012.
Chengdu Shangbao

Ye posted on social media: "This was my wife on vacation in Qingdao in 2000, I didn’t know her back then, but I was right behind her. This is so amazing, I took a picture at the same place too!"

They visited Qingdao again in 2012 and took a photo together while on vacation, not yet knowing the significance of the location.

Ye later told the local media outlet Chengdu Shangbao that as amazing as their near-meeting was 18 years ago, he remains focused on how well he and Xue are getting along in their marriage, of which she's been very supportive.

The couple now has twin daughters and is planning to return to Qingdao one day to take a family photo of all four of them.

ABC News' Kaijing Xiao contributed to this report.

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