Protester Unexpectedly 'Glitter Bombs' European Central Bank President

She smiled and threw up a peace sign as she was dragged out by security.

ByABC News
April 15, 2015, 4:59 PM

— -- The European Central Bank's president was taken by surprise at a news conference in Frankfurt, Germany, today when an activist seemingly came out of nowhere and "glitter bombed" him.

President Mario Draghi had just began explaining how smoothly the ECB's stimulus program was going when, suddenly, a Femen activist rushed down from the front row, leaped onto the table in front of Draghi and threw what looked like confetti and glitter at him.

"End the ECB dictatorship," the protester yelled.

A Twitter user under the name Josephine Witt claims to be the woman who carried out the surprise "glitter bomb" attack on the Italian economist.

PHOTO: An activist stands on the table of the podium throwing paper at ECB President Mario Draghi, left, as Christine Graeff, Director General of Communications, looks on during a press conference of the European Central Bank.
An activist stands on the table of the podium throwing paper at ECB President Mario Draghi, left, as Christine Graeff, Director General of Communications, looks on during a press conference of the European Central Bank, in Frankfurt, Germany, April 15, 2015.

Security guards dragged the activist off stage in seconds, while Draghi was taken to a side room.

The feminist protest group activist left the room smiling and even threw up a peace sign.

An activist is carried away after attacking ECB President Mario Draghi during a press conference of the European Central Bank, ECB, in Frankfurt, Germany, April 15, 2015.

Draghi returned minutes later looking a little shaken but resumed his statement, answered questions for an hour, and earned a small round of applause at the end from the press corps.

The ECB said in a statement that the activist registered as a journalist for a news organization she didn't represent.

An activist is carried away after attacking ECB President Mario Draghi during a press conference of the European Central Bank, ECB, in Frankfurt, Germany, April 15, 2015.

"Like all visitors to the ECB, she went through an identity check, metal detector and X-ray of her bag, before entering the building," the ECB added. "ECB President Mario Draghi remained unharmed and calmly proceeded with the press conference."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.