Baby Gets the Giggles at Mom Eating Crunchy Chips

It's hard not to delight in a baby's laugh.

ByABC News
March 17, 2015, 2:32 PM
Baby Ashlyn with her father Tim.
Baby Ashlyn with her father Tim.
Courtesy Tim W

— -- It’s hard not to delight in a baby’s laugh.

Then four months old, baby Ashlyn found pleasure in crunchy chips of all things, giggling uncontrollably at her mother eating tortilla chips. Her parents, Julie and Tim W., decided to post the video online, and nearly 300,000 people have since taken notice.

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“My wife came home and we were sharing a snack while connecting over how our days went. To our surprise, Ashlyn started laughing at the sound of each bite of the tortilla chip,” Tim W., Ashlyn’s father, who posted the video on YouTube, told ABC News. “At first we weren’t sure whether the sound of the bag ruffling or the crunch from the bite was eliciting the laughter, but we found out that it was the bite! I quickly grabbed my phone to capture the precious moment. We thought it was so funny that Ashlyn would go from a serious face to a happy, giggling one!”

Four-month-old baby Ashlyn.

Julie and Tim W. post videos of Ashlyn’s daily adventures online, but it was Ashlyn’s love for crunchy chips that has captured people’s attention in a viral way.

Baby Ashlyn with her parents Julie and Tim.

“From time to time we’ll have a few bites just to hear her laugh,” Tim W. said. “Ashlyn is a very smiley baby and will always return a smile. She is sweet and tender natured and loves laughing! For example, she smiles and laughs whenever she sees our dog. Her smiles and laughter have been one of the greatest joys of parenting!”