California Girl, 5, Writes Touching Letter, Meets Firefighters Who Saved Her Home

Kali Nunes penned a 'thank you' note to the local firefighters for their work.

ByABC News
July 31, 2015, 3:35 PM
In return, the Samoa Peninsula Fire District invited Kali to the station for a visit.
In return, the Samoa Peninsula Fire District invited Kali to the station for a visit.
Kelsey Radant

— -- Five-year-old Kali Nunes was over the moon on Thursday afternoon when she got to pay a visit to her local fire station -- a result of a heartfelt thank you note she sent to the firefighters who saved her home from a July 16 blaze.

"We've been to the firehouse and we've gone on tours before, but this was personal for her," mom Kelsey Radant of Samoa, California, told ABC News. "I am astounded. I am so proud of her because she's only five and wants to thank them for their job.

"It's a heroic job and she wants to thank them for doing it."

Nunes said her daughter wrote letters to the firefighters of a handful of local fire departments on July 18 after witnessing up close a fire that took place 300 yards from the family's home, just two days before.

Kali Nunes' dream is to be a firefighter when she grows up.

"She has a very keen sense of sirens, so we jumped in the car to see where the fire was because it was so close to the house," Radant said. "It was just amazing to her. She was enamored by the whole thing. Once they were informed that it was was under control, a female CDF [California Department of Fire} said there was no immediate evacuation necessary.

"The first thing she [Kali] said was 'Mom, I need to thank the firefighters. I need to write them a letter and thank them for saving our house.' Since she was three years old she's wanted to be a firefighter."

Kali wrote nine letters to the volunteers who helped put out the July 16 fire near her home.

Soon after, Radant said she helped Kali write a total of 10 letters -- nine to the firefighters who helped put out the fire, and one for her hope chest.

Each note read:

Dear Firefighters,Thank you for saving our house! My name is Kali. I am 5 and can't wait to be a firefighter when I grow up. I love you firefighters!Thank you Kali

One of the letters, Radant added, was placed on the window shield of the chief of the Samoa Peninsula Fire District, who then posted it on the bulletin board of the station for the other volunteers to see.

"I was pretty grateful," said Michael Manibusan, a volunteer firefighter for the district. "We were all really grateful and happy that she did that for us. That’s why we do what we do, to help other people and she wants to be a firefighter herself, so we are excited that she did it."

Manibusan said it was through a post of Kali's letter on the district's Facebook page and the help of a local news station, that connected the firefighters who put out the fire with the little girl and her family.

He added that Kali and her mom were then invited for a visit to the station, where she was given a private tour, sat in the fire engine, and played with the fire hose.

"We tried to break her of her shyness," Manibusan said. "I asked her why she wanted to be a firefighter. She said she wanted to put out fires and to help people."

Radant said that Kali had an amazing time at the station and she was glad to see her daughter spend time at the place she loves most.

"It's really neat that she wanted to thank them for putting in the the effort that they did," she added. "It just kind of makes you smile as a mom."