Cats get purr-fect retro glamour shots to help them get adopted

These kitties are ready for their close-up.

ByABC News
February 17, 2017, 2:25 PM

— -- These kitties are ready for their close-up.

Retro glamour photos were taken of the cats at Chesapeake Humane Society in Virginia to boost their chance of being adopted.

The Chesapeake Humane Society gave their cats retro glamour shots in hopes of getting them adopted.
Chesapeake Humane Society

The results are absolutely purr-fect.

The Chesapeake Humane Society gave their cats retro glamour shots in hopes of getting them adopted.
Chesapeake Humane Society

“We were talking about different ways to get the cats noticed this week,” Michelle Dumas, the Humane Society’s volunteer and marketing coordinator, told ABC News. “This year we decided we wanted to something a little quirky to get some attention. We all started talking and it just kind of snowballed from there.”

The Chesapeake Humane Society gave their cats retro glamour shots in hopes of getting them adopted.
Chesapeake Humane Society

The organization was inspired to do the photos in honor of Homeless Animal Awareness week.

The Chesapeake Humane Society gave their cats retro glamour shots in hopes of getting them adopted.
Chesapeake Humane Society

“We Google-imaged for some interesting backgrounds and had those set up in the meantime,” executive director Deborrah Grulke said of the hilarious laser beams, sparkle bursts and graffiti-covered walls.

The Chesapeake Humane Society gave their cats retro glamour shots in hopes of getting them adopted.
Chesapeake Humane Society

Teresa Stephens, the organization's outreach and events coordinator, took the furry feline’s portraits with staff members and now they’re going viral after being posted to Facebook. One cat has already been adopted as a result of the quirky photo shoot.

The Chesapeake Humane Society gave their cats retro glamour shots in hopes of getting them adopted.
Chesapeake Humane Society

“The inspiration for the photos was family photos gone wrong,” said Grulke. “We really did it for fun. We knew we needed a hook to get people to start sharing them and the end result was definitely what we were going for.”

The Chesapeake Humane Society gave their cats retro glamour shots in hopes of getting them adopted.
Chesapeake Humane Society

The Humane Society already has plans for more crazy photo shoots in the near future.

The Chesapeake Humane Society gave their cats retro glamour shots in hopes of getting them adopted.
Chesapeake Humane Society
The Chesapeake Humane Society gave their cats retro glamour shots in hopes of getting them adopted.
Chesapeake Humane Society