Dog floats midair to help couple reveal sex of baby

Brooke and Jordan Holton floated many ideas.

ByABC News
November 9, 2017, 4:02 PM
Coco the dog floats down to Brooke Holton in front of their guests to reveal her baby's gender.
Coco the dog floats down to Brooke Holton in front of their guests to reveal her baby's gender.
Caters News Agency

— -- Two Canadians floated many ideas for one unique way to reveal the sex of their first child.

Brooke and Jordan Holton placed their 7-year-old teacup Yorkie in a basket attached to 75 helium balloons. The dog, Coco, floated down from a balcony to reveal that the couple, in Vernon, Canada, was expecting a girl.

Brooke Holton, 29, told ABC News the idea came after weeks of brainstorming with her family.

Brooke Holton, stands next to a blue question mark during the party.

"My mom suggested that we need to do something big and crazy," she recalled.

Brooke Holton's aunt, Joy Collins, said they thought of many ways to involve Coco — from her jumping out of a box to her running out of the house with a pink or blue bow. Ultimately, they decided on Coco coming down from the balcony, as long as she was "protected," Collins said.

Brooke Holton said her guests were "shocked," and many of them were crying. One of the guests who had tears in her eyes was Collins.

"I started crying even though I knew it was going to happen," Collins, 53, admitted. "She's my niece, and I wanted everything to go perfect, and I think it did."

Brooke and Jordan's dog, Coco, appears in a basket tied to 75 balloons.

Brooke Holton agreed, calling the reveal "magical." She's eagerly awaiting motherhood.

"I'm looking forward to having a best friend for life," she added.