Dog With Wheelchair Travels Freely Despite Neurological Disorder

Mel is an 8-year-old pit bull.

ByABC News
May 9, 2016, 11:51 AM

— -- Meet Mel. He's an 8-year-old pit bull who has a neurological disease that affects his balance.

Mel got a second chance after being adopted from Yonkers Animal Shelter in New York six years ago by Tom and Tamara Dilworth. Soon the married couple of 12 years realized that Mel had a hard time walking, so they took him to Eddie's Wheels for Pets back in 2012 to outfit him in a custom wheelchair.

"He was off and running instantly," Tom, 49, told ABC News. "As soon as he got into it, he kind of stood there and figured it out and then he started walking. Once he started there was no stopping it."

Mel, an 8-year-old pit bull, is now able to travel around the country thanks to his wheelchair.
Tom and Tamara Dilworth

Mel is getting tons of attention online thanks to Tom, who is a professional photographer based in Mahopac, New York. He's been documenting the dog's travels on social media.

With his wheelchair, Mel has been all around the U.S., from Colorado to Rhode Island to Connecticut to Florida.

And despite being "clumsy" thanks to his disease, Tom said his dog is a "happy normal dog with a normal life."

His favorite hobby?

"He loves getting out and walking around. And hiking," Tom said proudly.