Little Girls in Wheelchairs 'Whip NaeNae' Something Fierce

Just try not to smile.

ByABC News
August 7, 2015, 10:15 AM
Mayli Gibson is six years old and loves to dance in her wheelchair.
Mayli Gibson is six years old and loves to dance in her wheelchair.
Courtesy Sami Gibson

— -- Six-year-olds Mayli and Brooklyn might be in wheelchairs, but it's not slowing them down one bit.

These two little girls -- just like every other kid on the planet -- love to bust a move, and they don't care whose watching.

Luckily their latest routine -- the Whip/NaeNae -- was caught on video. And it. Is. Awesome.

Mayli and Brooklyn, both with the last name Gibson but are not related, were both born with Spina Bifida. The two girls are the best of friends, Mayli's mom, Sami Gibson, told ABC News.

"They're six months apart, same last name, same diagnosis. God knew these two were meant to be friends. We have frequent sleepovers and kitchen dance parties and this day [the day the video was shot] Brooklyn had just taught Mayli the Whip/NaeNae. We love the song and watch the videos and thought we'd join the fun."

Gibson started a dance class and team for kids in wheelchairs in Benbrook, Texas, that both girls attend. It's called Ayita, a Cherokee name meaning "First to Dance."

She was inspired, Gibson said, by Mayli herself. It doesn't matter that Mayli has been paralyzed since birth. "Mayli is a dancer, if there is a beat she's moving to it. It doesn't matter the genre of music, she loves it all."

Mayli Gibson was born paralyzed as a result of spina bifida.

The mission of Ayita is to give kids in wheelchairs a space "where they won't feel so different or stared at, or questioned." It's a place where they feel safe and can express themselves.

"She [Mayli] uses a wheelchair to get around," Gibson said, "and while some people may think she's confined to her chair, her chair is actually her means of freedom and independence."

And it's helping her totally kill it while she does the Whip/NaeNae.