Husband, Dad of 5 Gets 'GMA' Makeover

Kristina Barefield jumped at the opportunity to make over her husband, John.

ByABC News
June 18, 2015, 8:08 AM
When Christina Barefield heard about "Good Morning America"'s Make Over My Dad segment, she and her children jumped at the opportunity for her husband, John.
When Christina Barefield heard about "Good Morning America"'s Make Over My Dad segment, she and her children jumped at the opportunity for her husband, John.
Courtesy Barefield family

— -- Meet John Barefield.

Less than four years ago, the Kentucky man, 33, was single and childless. Then he met Kristina, a divorcee with five children, and overnight he became a husband and father to her children aged 6 to 16.

Michael Joseph Balsan, 16, said he and his siblings are “grateful” that John married their mother, and John has similar high regard for the children.

“I love each and every one of them just like they were my blood children,” he said. “I’ll always take care of them just like they were my own.”

But since he became a father, John – who works in the unloading department at Walmart – says everything he does is for his wife and children.

“You know, I let myself go for the sake of everybody else,” he said.

First, there’s his hair.

When Christina Barefield heard about "Good Morning America"'s Make Over My Dad segment, she and her children jumped at the opportunity for her husband, John.

“Well, it's very long, straggly and gray ... he's younger than I am, but he looks, like, ten years older than I am,” his wife said, laughing.

Then, there are his clothes.

Usually, he wears either a tank top and jeans or jeans and a T-shirt.

“And, usually, they have holes in them from him wearing them out,” Kristina, 37, said.

Last but not least, there’s his beard.

“The beard, I'll be honest, is just from being lazy,” John said.

When Kristina heard about the “Make Over My Dad” segment on “Good Morning America,” she and the children jumped at the opportunity.

The “GMA” glam squad was on hand to do the honors. Stylist Gretta Monahan, hair stylist Ted Gibson and makeup artist Carmindy gave John a total transformation in time for Father’s Day.

Kristina was filled with excitement.

“I can't wait to see him step out of the time machine and .. let the world outside see what we always see from the inside,” she said.

As John emerged from the “GMA” time machine, his anxious wife covered her mouth in shock before running up to her newly transformed, handsome hubby, wrapping her arms around his neck while crying tears of joy.

“I feel wonderful. I really do,” John said, choking back tears of his own. “I feel like a weight’s been lifted off my shoulders.”

Kristina couldn’t take her eyes off her John and his new, polished wardrobe -- a gray summer suit, purple gingham button-down shirt and fedora hat.

When asked if she was happy with her decision to “push him into that time machine,” her reply was simple: “Yes I am. I really am.”

“He looked fine to me before,” she added, leaning in to give her husband a big hug, “but he’s just amazing.”

Carmindy's Tips
1. Make sure to use a sunscreen with a tint of bronze in it during the summer to even out skin tone and stay totally protected.
2. Guys can use a clear brow gel that will keep unruly brows in place and stay well groomed.
3. Guys should wear a no-shine lip balm every day for protection and hydration on lips that will never look shiny.

Ted's Tips
1. Embrace and work with your hair loss. Don't try to compensate for a receding hairline by growing hair long in the back. Own your hairline! Bald or nearly bald is beautiful, particularly when you have a great head shape like John. Andre Agassi, Vin Diesel and Bruce Willis are also great examples of men who are handsome with little to no hair.2. Lose the beard to look 10 years younger. Facial hair can add years to your look and makes you look bad very quickly if it is not well-maintained.

Gretta's Tips
1. It's summer, so drop the blacks and navy blues and go for lighter color suits in lighter fabrics. Look for an understated pattern to keep it fun while still looking sleek. 2. For a modern and sleek flattering look, shop for slim cuts in suits. 3. Don't be afraid to mix patterns, a great way to introduce a second pattern is with a shirt in a bright, complimentary color.4. Elevate any suit or outfit with accessories like a different color pocket square, sunglasses or a sexy yet sophisticated fedora.