Jessica Seinfeld opens up about cooking for her family and her new book 'Food Swings'

The author also shared the recipe she made for her husband on their first date.

ByABC News
April 24, 2017, 7:36 AM

— -- Author Jessica Seinfeld opened up about her new cookbook, "Food Swings," in an interview with "Good Morning America," and shared the special recipe that she made for her husband, Jerry Seinfeld, on their very first date.

"I created this book with the concept of when you live in virtue you need some vice and when you live in vice, you can definitely use some virtue," Seinfeld told ABC News of the book that features more than 125 recipes on either side of the food spectrum -- from super healthy to super indulgent.

Seinfeld added that learning how to balance different tastes and wants is something she does constantly as she searches for dishes that will please her husband and three kids.

"People ask me all the time, 'What's your favorite recipe in the book?'" Seinfeld said. "I'm like, 'Anything that my family likes and I get no complaints about.'"

Seinfeld shared her healthy, vegetarian, gluten-free and dairy-free chili recipe on "GMA."

She added that she has to make the vegetarian chili "hearty" because her husband would not eat if it were "wimpy."

Jessica Seinfeld spoke out about her new book, "Food Swings," in an interview with "Good Morning America."

One tip Seinfeld has for cooks is to keep your kitchen super organized as you cook, and one way she recommends staying organized is by pre-chopping all of your ingredients before cooking.

Another tip she shared was to load up healthy dishes with a lot of spices in order to give them more of a flavor boost.

"It's a great way to make simple things feel more sophisticated," Seinfeld said. "So if you're a beginner cook, I’m like, 'Use a ton of spices.'"

Seinfeld said that her children do not often help her out in the kitchen because "they're not into it."

"I am such a control freak that I don't really love cooking with them anyway," the mother of three joked. "I know you're not supposed to say that."

When she is not cooking for her own family, Seinfeld is committed to helping out other families in need by donating vital baby supplies, such as diapers and strollers, through her charity, the Good Plus Foundation.

Seinfeld shared her recipe for Chicken Parmesan on "GMA," which she said she cooked for her husband on their first date.

Jessica Seinfeld spoke out about her new book, "Food Swings," in an interview with "Good Morning America."

"When Jerry asked me on our first date, he said, 'Where do you want to go for dinner tonight?' and I said 'Oh, I am so happy to cook. I'll make Chicken Parmesan,'" Seinfeld said. "And so our first date was around this dish."

"Food Swings" will be in bookstores nationwide tomorrow.