Krispy Kreme Krispie Treats Will Make for a Very Merry Christmas

The latest contender for frankenfood greatness is the Krispy Kreme Krispie.

ByABC News
December 17, 2014, 2:14 PM
Oh Bite! It's Krispy Kreme Krispie Treats.
Oh Bite! It's Krispy Kreme Krispie Treats.
Amy Erickson

— -- The very best food mash-ups combine names that naturally fit together, like the Cronut, nutellasagna and more.

The latest contender for frankenfood greatness is the Krispy Kreme Krispie Treat, which was created with inspiration from the name.

“This one was actually inspired by the catchy name that popped into my head, and I just knew that I had to bring it to life,” Amy Erickson, the blogger behind Oh Bite It!, told ABC News. “It was a big bonus that the Krispy/Krispie combo is pure perfection!”

Erickson made this masterpiece by chopping up pieces of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and mixing them into Rice Krispies treats mix. She then flattened the concoction and let it cool before shaping it back into doughnuts for a whimsical touch.

Krispy Kreme pieces are mixed into Rice Krispies treats batter.

“Each bite has sweet surprises of glazed doughnuts throughout, and then that crispy, light crunch of the Rice Krispies follow immediately after,” she wrote on her blog. “To die for!”

Give this sweet treat a try at home by using the below recipe.

Oh Bite It!’s Krispy Kreme Krispie Treats: Click here for the recipe.