Man Sends Flowers to His Sick Dog, His Wife Is Not Impressed

"Sebastian really enjoyed them,” said Debbie Cardone.

ByABC News
February 3, 2017, 12:05 PM

— -- When Debbie Cardone recently received flowers, she thought her husband had sent them to her for taking such good care of their sick dog, Sebastian, who had just undergone knee surgery.


The flowers were for the dog.

“Sebastian. Feel better, you’ll be back in the game very soon. Love Daddy,” the sweet card read.

Debbie Cardone's husband sent flowers to their sick dog, but when she realized they weren't for her, she wasn't impressed.

When Cardone read the message, she wasn’t impressed.

“I thought they were for me,” Cardone, of Palm City, Florida, told ABC News. “I thought, ‘Aww, he’s appreciating how much work I’m doing taking care of Sebastian. I made him a little doggy wheelchair. I pop him on that and I then wheel him to the backyard. It’s been a nightmare. He’s like a stuffed animal; he doesn’t want to move.”

Cardone’s husband, Vincent, is working in the Middle East right now and has been known to send her spontaneous flowers.

Debbie Cardone's husband sent flowers to their sick dog, but when she realized they weren't for her, she wasn't impressed.

“He does send me random flowers, but this time Sebastian really enjoyed them,” she said of their 10-year-old English bulldog.

Debbie Cardone's husband sent flowers to their sick dog, but when she realized they weren't for her, she wasn't impressed.

Cardone said her pup has gotten a bit spoiled after having his surgery, and this just fueled the fire.

“I took him to the vet, and of course that little bugger was able to walk across the parking lot like it was no big deal, but at the house, he won’t leave the couch,” she laughed. “If I could feed him grapes, he would probably eat them. He’s enjoying all this ‘bring everything to me’ attitude.

The photos of the dog’s beautiful bouquet of roses have more than 500 retweets after Cardone’s daughter posted them on Wednesday.