3 Resolutions for Happier Parenting in 2017

ABC News' lifestyle editor and author of a new book shares her tips.

ByABC News
January 9, 2017, 6:30 PM

— -- Parenting is one of the toughest jobs out there, but maybe it doesn’t have to be. If one of your top priorities in 2017 is to be a happier parent, here are the parenting resolutions that can help you do just that.

Genevieve Shaw Brown, ABC News’ lifestyle editor and author of the brand-new book "The Happiest Mommy You Know: Why Putting Your Kids First Is the Last Thing You Should Do," shared her top three tips for happier parenting in 2017 with "Good Morning America."

"If moms are constantly putting their kids first and neglecting themselves as a result, they can’t be happy parents," she said. "And happy parents translate to happy kids, which, for most of us, is the ultimate goal."

Resolution 1: Treat your spouse as well as you treat your barista.

Brown said she noticed she was more polite to the people at Starbucks than to her own husband on some days. A study from the University of Georgia found feeling appreciated directly influences marital quality, so something as simple as just noticing all the work your spouse is doing and saying "thank you" can have a huge impact and increase happiness in the home for the whole family, she said.

Resolution 2: Get sleep at any cost.

"This is my favorite resolution and it will literally change your life overnight," she said. Brown said she was focused on her kids' sleep, even going as far as to make their bedroom resemble a spa, but in her own room was a TV, iPad and phone. Brown said that once she set bedtime for herself and banned devices from the bedroom, her mood, productivity and happiness improved dramatically.

Resolution 3: Ditch the playdates.

"If your toddler has a more robust social calendar than you, that's a problem," she told "GMA." Brown said she cut back on her kids’ social calendar, giving herself more time to spend on her own and reconnecting with her closest friends in the process.

(Note: Genevieve Shaw Brown is the Travel & Lifestyle Editor at ABC News. You can read her work here. "The Happiest Mommy You Know: Why Putting Your Kids First Is the Last Thing You Should Do" is on sale Jan. 10, 2017.)