#SantaFail: How to Make Your Kids' Visit With Santa Claus a Success

Here are tips to help your kids' photo and skip the hashtag, #SantaFail.

ByABC News
December 14, 2015, 1:59 PM

— -- The hashtag #SantaFail is heating up across social media, showing many children with frightened faces while sitting on the lap of Santa Claus.

Parenting expert, Dr. Michele Borba told ABC News her four tips to ensuring a photo worthy moment with Santa Claus.

Put Your Child First

"I know the photo is critical and that's what we want, but really we could hire good old Uncle 'Ned to dress up and do the same thing in your own house," she said. "So ask your child, would you like to go? Generally, we don't watch the response. If he or she is a little hesitant, don't do it. Don't push."

"Take your child's lead," she added.

Other suggestions include standing in line with another child or having a friend go first.

One-year-old Ryder Hill, from Washington, D.C., meets Santa Claus.

Rehearse! Rehearse! Rehearse!

"You may want to do a little bit of pre-work ahead of time," Dr. Borba said. "It really helps children to practice. Perhaps daddy can dress up with a Santa hat and a beard and watch your child's response. Then have your child put the hat and the beard on because the beard is what scares the pants off of kids. So you can rehearse it ... put it on the dog and the teddy bear and they'll feel safer."

She added, "Drop by the day before and ask, 'Hey you wanna come back tomorrow?' If you're in doubt, do a drop by."

Be Prepared

"You know the tantrum causes, so if he or she's a little bit more on the irritable side, for heavens sake, don't skip the nap," the author of "The Big Book of Parenting Solutions" warned. "And give them (a) high quality snack."

"Boredom and standing in the line that's endless is what really gets kids, so you want to do something to make it fun," Dr. Borba added. "Try to visit Santa when the lines aren't so long.

Specifically, "you can call ahead to the local mall and ask what's the best time to be there ... as opposed to going there when it's 7 p.m. like everyone else."

Ask Yourself, "Is It Worth It?"

"You're trying to make this an enjoyable season and make your child have a fun memory. And the fun memory doesn't necessarily mean sitting on Santa," Dr. Borba said. "The fun memory could be standing in line with the family or worst comes to worst, you can take a picture with the elf on the side. Don't worry, he'll be ready for next year."