3 Siberian Huskies Adopt Cat 'Best Friend' Into Their Pack

The cat eats, sleeps and even goes on walks with the dogs.

January 20, 2016, 6:15 PM

— -- A pack of three Siberian Huskies from San Jose, California, are raising a rescued cat as one of their own, according to the pets' owners.

The three dogs -- Lilo, Infinity and Miko -- are "best friends" with the cat named Rosie, and they "do everything together," including sleep, eat and play, according to Thoa Bui, one of the pets' owners. Bui said she and her two other sisters -- Thi and Tram Bui -- own Lilo and Infinity and Rosie, while their cousins -- who live down the street from them -- own Miko.

Rosie the cat is best friends with Lilo the Husky and his canine pals, according to their owners.

Lilo, who is the Husky leader of the pack, actually served as a surrogate mother to Rosie, Bui told ABC News today. She explained that she and her sisters found Rosie at only 3 weeks old, and she was "malnourished, lethargic and dying."

"We took a chance and put her with Lilo, and Lilo really saved her life," Bui said. "Lilo never left Rosie's side for hours. She cuddled her and comforted her until she was better and ready to finally drink from a bottle."

The kitten eventually started trying to "suckle" on Lilo, which was the beginning of their "mother-daughter relationship," Bui said. She added Rosie looked to Lilo for guidance, so the young cat started "mimicking everything" the dog did.

"When she saw Lilo and the dogs went outside to potty, she started doing the same," Bui said. "When they were leashed to go on walks, Lilo wanted to be leashed and to come along too."

Bui, her sisters and cousins then slowly introduced Rosie to Lilo's sister Infinity and their brother Miko, she said.

"Rosie is now a part of the pack," Bui said. "Since Lilo is their leader, Infinity and Miko just accepted her, and now they're all good friends."

The four pets eat together, drink from the same bowls, play together, go on walks together and even nap together, Bui said.

Rosie has also taken on a lot of the traits of a Husky. She loves going on hikes, and she's "fearless," according to Bui, who said the cat isn't afraid of water like most felines.

"We go on a lot of road trips, and we recent took Rosie kayaking and paddle-boating with us," Bui said. "She's not afraid at all, and as long as Lilo is there, she knows everything is going to be OK."

Bui added that she and her sisters love taking photos and videos of the photogenic pack, who prove love knows no bounds.

To follow along on the Huskies' and cat's future adventures, you can follow LilotheHusky on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.