Tiny Kitten Rescued From Manhole in Arizona

Weighing just a pound, this little feline is a survivor.

April 29, 2016, 2:13 PM

— -- A tiny kitten is now recovering after being rescued from a manhole in Phoenix, Arizona, where she had been trapped for at least three days, according to the Arizona Humane Society (AHS).

The rescue started last Friday after a good Samaritan called with concerns about meowing in a storm drain, AHS public relations manager Bretta Nelson told ABC News. After lowering a snake cam through a storm grate, rescuers confirmed the meowing was indeed from a trapped kitten.

Kelley Mallon, an emergency animal technician with the Arizona Humane Society, rescued a tiny kitten from a manhole in Phoenix, Arizona, April 24, 2016.

AHS emergency animal medical technicians (EAMTs) "lowered food to the little kitten as they kept watch through a snake cam snake cam" while waiting for the city to open a nearby manhole, Nelson said.

The rescue mission ended Sunday, when AHS EAMT Kelley Mallon was finally able to pull the kitten from the manhole through a trap and take her to AHS' Second Chance Animal Trauma Hospital, AHS said in a news release on Wednesday.

Kelley Mallon, an emergency animal technician with the Arizona Humane Society, rescued a tiny kitten from a manhole in Phoenix, Arizona, April 24, 2016.

The feline was fully examined and given a bath, AHS said, adding that the kitty was named Tera.

Kelley Mallon, an emergency animal technician with the Arizona Humane Society, rescued a tiny kitten from a manhole in Phoenix, Arizona, April 24, 2016.
Arizona Humane Society

"While in relatively good health, the little girl weighs in at just one pound," AHS said. Tera "is now in foster care with Kelley as she gains another pound in order to go up for adoption in approximately three weeks."