Watch This Little Girl Pull Out Her Tooth With a Bow and Arrow

Oh yes she did.

ByABC News
July 8, 2015, 3:27 PM
The video shows Alexis Davidson, 11, from Aurora Colorado preparing to fire the slingshot as a way of removing one of her last few baby teeth.
The video shows Alexis Davidson, 11, from Aurora Colorado preparing to fire the slingshot as a way of removing one of her last few baby teeth.
Caters News Agency

— -- "She's a bad***," Jason McDonald said of his 11-year-old daughter Alexis Davidson.

Indeed. The little Colorado girl handles tiger and lion cubs at a big cat sanctuary and helps her dad out with gators at a gator farm where he volunteers.

But even with that knowledge, seeing her pull out her own tooth with a sling bow is pretty bad***, indeed.

"It was an innocent thing," McDonald, of Aurora, said. "The tooth was really loose. She [Alexis] wanted to pull it out two weeks ago but I told her we had to wait."

McDonald has received a fair amount of criticism for the video, but insists Alexis "had fun with it." She does seem pretty excited when she realizes the stunt worked.

Jason McDonald films his daughter Alexis as she readies the slingshot that she is using as a way of removing one of her last few baby teeth.

"It's totally safe," he said. "She's target shot with a sling bow many times before. It's not like I handed it to a random kid on the street and told them to shoot their tooth out."