Wedding Party Takes a Dip as Dock Collapses
A dock could not handle the weight of a wedding party in Minnesota this weekend.
June 3, 2014 -- Many newlyweds request that photographers capture candid moments to remember their special day. But Dan and Jackie Anderson may have gotten more than they bargained for at their wedding in Crosslake, Minnesota, this weekend.
Before the ceremony, the Anderson wedding party gathered on a nearby dock to pose for pictures. But the staged photo op did not last long. The weather-beaten wood collapsed under their collective weight and sent celebrants into the water below.
The incident failed to put a damper on the festivities.
Hired by the couple to shoot the ceremony, videographer Megan Fritze managed to record the prenuptial plunge. Fritze reported that even the bride maintained her sense of humor: "[She] looked up with the biggest smile in the world. She was literally laughing out loud and just smiling. The first thing she said was, 'Did you record that? Please tell me you got that on camera!' I thought, 'This is a really cool bride.'"
After all had toweled off, the wedding continued without further incident. "An hour later, you couldn't even tell that anyone had gotten wet," Fritze said. "The bride was absolutely stunning — in and out of the water."