Before-and-After Weight-Loss Photos Contrast Woman's New Body With the Old

Photographer Blake Morrow documents friend's new look in "The Beth Project."

ByABC News
May 8, 2015, 1:43 PM
Blake Morrow photographed his friend Beth before and after her dramatic weight-loss, turning the photos into a playful series titled, "The Beth Project" that celebrates his friend's accomplishment.
Blake Morrow photographed his friend Beth before and after her dramatic weight-loss, turning the photos into a playful series titled, "The Beth Project" that celebrates his friend's accomplishment.
@shootblake/Blake Morrow

— -- When embarking on a weight-loss goal, many men and women opt to snap before-and-after photos to help maintain motivation, document progress and share the journey with others.

But before undergoing gastric bypass surgery, one Canadian woman decided to imbue that task with a heavy dose of style, fun and humor.

In "The Beth Project," photographer Blake Morrow documented his longtime friend, Beth Beard, in a creative series of photos taken in the weeks before she went under the knife and then, again, two years later after she had shed 150 pounds. Superimposing her new physique in the latter images onto the former images, the clever collection captures Beard's dramatic transformation and is now inspiring others on their own journeys.

"When we started all of this, I didn't actually expect it to become quite so public," Beard told ABC News. "I've been blown away and so touched by how this project has resonated with so many people all over the world."

Morrow may be Beard's No. 1 proponent.

"Beth’s weight-loss accomplishment was amazing!" he enthused in an e-mail to ABC News. "The portraits I created as 'The Beth Project' are my way of celebrating her ... and hopefully putting something out there that encourages others to reach for their own personal best."

Blake Morrow photographed his friend Beth before and after her dramatic weight-loss, turning the photos into a playful series titled, "The Beth Project" that celebrates his friend's accomplishment.

While the images do superimpose Beard's current body onto images of her former self, Morrow notes on his website that he did not digitally alter or enhance his friend's physique in any other way.

"We shot 'before Beth' a few weeks before her surgery," Morrow said. "Two years and 150 pounds lost later, we took her into my studio and photographed her 'after' self. I then took about four to five months to work on the selection and compositing process, pulling the 24 Beths I chose from the shoot into 12 interactive portraits."

The playful result finds Beard face to face with her former self in settings that range from a tropical beach to a penitentiary. Other images are tributes to iconic figures such as Laurel and Hardy, and Barbarella.

"[My favorite is] Frida and Diego," said Beard. "I have loved her painting for so long and am amazed by everything Blake did to recreate that image. He highlighted a quote in it that I love and think really sums up the truth about this project all together."

Blake Morrow photographed his friend Beth before and after her dramatic weight-loss, turning the photos into a playful series titled, "The Beth Project" that celebrates his friend's accomplishment.

Being photographed by a friend definitely made things easier for both Beard and Morrow, he said.

"Beth and I are very good friends and have good heart-to-hearts all the time," said Morrow. "She is a very strong woman and comfortable with herself, large or small. That said, when she was in her 'before' bathing suit, I jokingly stripped down to my boxers while shooting her so I’d also feel a bit exposed and support her that way; our friends on set that day had a great laugh about that!"

Now that the series has gone public, the pair find themselves receiving applause from around the globe.

"Beth and I have already been hearing from people all over the world in the midst of their weight-loss journeys, or who have been encouraged to start theirs after seeing the imagery," said Morrow. "That is extremely touching; both of us had hoped that the collection of images would encourage and inspire others to commit to change in their own lives, and what that means for them."

Blake Morrow photographed his friend Beth before and after her dramatic weight-loss, turning the photos into a playful series titled, "The Beth Project" that celebrates his friend's accomplishment.

Beard noted that every individual's personal path toward weight loss inevitably will be different.

"I spent almost a year doing research trying to decide if gastric bypass would be right for me," said Beard, who added that it was just one tool in her arsenal. "Besides the obvious change in portions and calorie intake, I started cycle commuting every day. My normal route is about nine miles round trip, more if I need to run errands. I also started roller skating a year and a half ago and qualified to skate with a local roller derby league this year."

Blake Morrow photographed his friend Beth before and after her dramatic weight-loss, turning the photos into a playful series titled, "The Beth Project" that celebrates his friend's accomplishment.

She encouraged anyone who is considering taking on such a challenge to go for it without hesitation.

"Do it. Don’t wait," Beard said. "Find the plan that will help you reach your goals, but go in with your eyes open to all triumphs and challenges that it will bring. ... If you want your life to change, then you have to be ready to fully change with it."