4-Year-Old Battling Cancer Dresses Up as Herself for School 'Superhero Day'

Josie Kimberlin dressed as herself on superhero day at her Missouri preschool.

ByABC News
November 3, 2015, 8:41 AM
Josie Kimberlin, 4, dressed as herself on superhero day at her Missouri preschool last week.
Josie Kimberlin, 4, dressed as herself on superhero day at her Missouri preschool last week.
Alyssa Butler

— -- A 4-year-old girl showed up to school last week dressed as herself for 'Superhero Day,' as she continues to fight her two-year battle with cancer.

"In my eyes she's been so brave through everything and for her to feel like that shes's going to make it through, that means the world to me," mom Alyssa Butler of Kelso, Missouri told ABC News. "When I explained to her that she was my hero, she was so happy and excited."

Butler said her daughter Josie was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia on June 6, 2013.

Josie has been battling leukemia since June 2013.

"It was the worst thing I've ever heard in my life," Butler said. "It was scary and it was really a big test of faith and everything you believe in but we got through it. She's never even gotten sick from her chemotherapy--she's been a trooper."

Last month, Butler said she found out that Josie's preschool, Kelso C-7 in New Hamburg, Missouri were hosting a superhero day to promote awareness against bullying.

"We went in her closet and we didn’t really have anything that had a superhero on it," she said. "I said, 'Josie, I have an idea. You're mommy's superhero, so do you just want to go as yourself?' She lit up with a big smile and from there she just ran with it.'"

Butler said Josie had a cape she received at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in St. Louis, from a non-profit organization spearheaded by a mother who lost her son to cancer.

Butler decorated the cape for Josie's costume, writing 'Super Josie--Destroying Cancer One Day at a Time.'

"I read it to her and she absolutely adored it," she said. "She was running around smiling. She was really proud of it."

Butler said Josie's teachers loved her self-made superhero costume.