4-year-old boy has meltdown over haircut before realizing it will grow back

Valor Still, 4, was eventually all smiles.

ByABC News
April 21, 2017, 5:50 PM

— -- After a 4-year-old boy decided to give himself a haircut -- chopping off a huge chunk of his hair right in front -- his mother tried to fix it.

"We had gone out on a date night," Nicole Still told ABC News. "And I get this call from my mom [saying]: 'Valor decided to give himself a haircut.'"

Nicole, 26, added that when she and her husband, Sam, finally went to pick up their son, he was "really nervous." Valor did not want to show his mom what he had done to his hair.

Nicole Still's 4-year-old son, Valor, has a meltdown over his haircut before realizing it'll grow back.
Nicole Still

"I asked, 'Do you want mommy to fix it?' He said, 'Please fix it,' but I don't think he quite understood what fixing it meant. He thought I was going to put it back," Nicole said.

Valor had no idea that fixing his hair would mean cutting the rest of it off. When he finally realized what was happening, it resulted in an epic meltdown.

Nicole's video of Valor melting down in a fit of tears quickly made its rounds online.

Valor eventually came around and was all smiles once he realized his new haircut wasn't permanent.

"He keeps asking, 'Will it be back by Christmas?' I don't know why that's his goal," Nicole added, laughing.