4-Year-Old Fighting Brain Cancer Holds Toy Drive for Friends Still in Hospital

Jillian Massey has gained about 3,000 toys through her Facebook page.

ByABC News
December 13, 2016, 12:42 PM

— -- A 4-year-old girl with brain cancer is giving back to the friends she made during treatment with a holiday toy drive.

Jillian Massey of Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, has collected about 3,000 toys through her Facebook page titled, Jillian Paige - You got this girl, surpassing her original goal of 50 toys.

"Jillian has been at the heart of all this wanting to deliver these toys," mom Janelle Massey told ABC News. "She's so excited to bring them to all her friends and the children still at the hospital."

Jillian was diagnosed with medulloblastoma in April. She's been fighting the cancer that's in her brain and spine through chemotherapy and stem cell transplants.

But throughout it all, the feisty little girl nicknamed "Sassy Massey" never lost her spunk, her mother said.

"Her positive, happy-go-lucky attitude has gotten her through this," Massey said. "She doesn't know she's battling something bigger. She has no idea she's sick. She's just been living. My husband and I, we've asked doctors not to tell us how much time we have left with her, if it's months or years. We'd rather just live in the moment with her."

Jillian Massey, 4, of Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, has collected 3,000 toys for her friends at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Janelle Massey

Jillian was a patient at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia until October, when she was deemed strong enough to go home by doctors. That same month, she and her mother decided to start a toy drive after Massey's coworker Dan Emmerson introduced the idea, she said.

"If Jillian is going in the hallway [in the hospital], she'd run into her friend Olivia or Layla, and the nurses would break into a dance party with them," Massey said. "They'd make it so fun for them."

She added: "I said, 'Hey Jill, what do you think about doing something for CHOP [Children's Hospital of Philadelphia] since we are going to be here for the holidays?' and she said, 'It would be so much fun to give them toys.'"

Jillian Massey, 4, of Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, has collected 3,000 toys for her friends at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Janelle Massey

Jillian helped her mother create an Amazon Wishlist and within two days, all items were purchased.

The 3,000 toys will be delivered on Dec. 19 by the Massey's family friend Jeff Tyler, who owns a transport service.

Jillian and her loved ones will be passing them out to the kids at the hospital.

"She checks the front porch and brings them in, it's her little job each day," Massey said. "It's pretty cool to see how excited she is."

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