New York Husband Takes Blame for Mistakenly Recycling $1K Worth of Wife's Clothing

Mike Farrah was supposed to put the clothes in a dry cleaning bag.

ByABC News
February 12, 2016, 1:16 PM

— -- A Manhattan husband says his Valentine’s Day plans now include an extra special gift and lots of shopping after he accidentally put his wife’s clothes -- worth $1,000 -- in a recycling bag.

Mike Farrah calls himself a “dead man walking” for his mistake this week. The stay-at-home dad put clothes belonging to his wife, Maya Draisin, in a recycling bag and asked his oldest son, 9-year-old Finn, to bring the bag downstairs.

When Farrah followed Finn downstairs and didn’t see a recycling bag in Finn’s hand, he assumed his son had ignored his request.

In fact, says Farrah, Finn did beyond what he’d asked him to do by taking the recycling bag out to the curb with the rest of the recyclables.

“He placed it on top of the garbage in front of our house,” Farrah told ABC News. “He was resourceful.”

Manhattan resident Mike Farrah posted signs in his neighborhood after mistakenly sending nearly $1,000 worth of his wife's clothing out to recycling.
Courtesy Mike Farrah

Once the family realized the mistake -- hours later -- the recycling bag full of Draisin's clothes was gone from the front of their home.

“The garbage was still there but someone just took the bag of clothes,” Farrah said.

Farrah immediately went into action, posting flyers around the neighborhood in hopes someone would take pity on his honest mistake.

The printed signs read, in part, "Wife’s Dry Cleaning went out with the Recycling…Please contact Dead husband walking.”

Farrah says no one has returned the clothes yet but luckily his wife has taken it all in stride.

“She was very understanding and said, ‘It’s just clothes,’” Farrah said. “She was more concerned with our son being upset.”

Manhattan resident Mike Farrah posted signs in his neighborhood after mistakenly sending nearly $1,000 worth of his wife's clothing out to recycling.
Courtesy Mike Farrah

“He felt horrible, poor kid,” he said of Finn.

Now, with Valentine’s Day just days away, Farrah is looking ahead.

“I will be buying her something for Valentine’s Day, that’s for sure,” Farrah said.

“I have a feeling she’ll do some shopping on her own to replace the items because they were in her regular rotation,” he added. “My wife has a unique sense of style so I do not often buy clothes for her because, even after 10 years of marriage, I tend to do it wrong.”