500 days of Trump: His presidency, by the numbers

ABC News has tallied some presidential data about those 500 days in office.

June 4, 2018, 7:19 PM

President Donald Trump has now completed 500 days in office, crossing another milestone in his presidency on Sunday. Here’s a look at some of the presidential data he’s racked up so far from the West Wing to the Winter White House.

3496: Presidential tweets

According to a website tracking all of the president’s tweets, Trump has tweeted 3496 times as president, almost seven times per day, including 224 tweets using the term “Fake News,” 118 tweets about Hillary Clinton, and 57 tweets calling the Russia investigation a “witch hunt.”

This is my 500th. Day in Office and we have accomplished a lot - many believe more than any President in his first 500 days. Massive Tax & Regulation Cuts, Military & Vets, Lower Crime & Illegal Immigration, Stronger Borders, Judgeships, Best Economy & Jobs EVER, and much more...

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

94: Meetings with world leaders

From the Oval Office to Mar-a-Lago, President Trump has held at least 94 meetings with world leaders. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has received the invitation the most frequently, sitting down with Trump for seven separate bilateral meetings. The White House says Abe will meet Trump for the eighth time on Thursday in the Oval Office.

250: Calls with world leaders / Heads of state

While the White House does not read out every phone call President Trump has with foreign leaders and heads of state, ABC News has tracked 250 phone calls with them, including 24 with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom – Trump’s most frequent contact. Trump has also held 22 calls with French President Emanuel Macron and 21 calls with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

11: Direct interactions with Vladimir Putin

President Trump has held at least eight phone calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and they’ve met in person at least three times. The two leaders held one formal expanded bilateral meeting in Hamburg, Germany at the G20 summit last July, but Trump also chatted with Putin on the sidelines of that summit and at APEC in Da Nang, Vietnam on Nov. 11, 2017. The White House says it is in the very early stages of planning a bilateral summit, though the date and location have not yet been finalized.

3.8: Unemployment rate

President Trump is presiding over the lowest unemployment rate since December 1969, when it was 3.5 percent and Trump was just 23 years old. The current rate of 3.8 percent ties the jobless mark from April 2000 during Bill Clinton's final year in office.

180: Bills signed into law

More than 10,000 bills have been introduced in the 115th Congress, with President Trump signing 180 of those measures into law. While Republicans have failed to send Trump legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act or enact immigration reform, the crowning achievement is clearly the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Two additional bills that have passed both chambers of Congress await the president's signature.

192: Flights on Air Force One

President Trump has utilized his top presidential perk – Air Force One – for 192 flights so far, including five international trips, and 102 domestic stops all over the country. The president has already visited 31 of 50 states, as well as one U.S. territory. President Trump has also visited 21 of 30 states that he won in 2016, though he hasn’t visited 10 of 20 states where Hillary Clinton prevailed.

19: Florida

The most frequent destination for the president is the Sunshine State, where he’s taken 19 trips during his first 500 days in office. Trump has spent at least part of 69 days at Mar-A-Lago, the most of any destination so far during his presidency.

102: Trips to golf clubs

Trump's trips to a golf course have topped 102 excursions through his first 500 days in office, according to an ABC News tally of the president’s activities. The White House regularly refuses to confirm how many holes or complete rounds the president has played during his frequent visits to Trump-branded golf courses, but his time on the links is often documented on social media and in public statements by his golf partners. During all of the visits ABC News has tracked, Trump has enjoyed weather ideal for golf and has spent at least four hours on the grounds – long enough to complete 18 holes. At this stage of his presidency, Barack Obama had completed 37 rounds of golf.

Air Force One sits on the tarmac after landing with President Donald Trump at Nashville International Airport in Nashville, Tenn., May 29, 2018.
Tom Brenner/The New York Times via Redux

159: Days at Trump-branded properties

Since moving into the White House, Trump has spent part of 159 days – about 31.8 percent - visiting at least one Trump-branded property – mostly his golf courses. He’s teed off just one round of golf at a property he doesn’t own, when he joined Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Kasumigaseki Country Club in Kawagoe, Japan last year. Trump has visited Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach, Florida 40 times during his presidency and 31 times to Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia since the 2017 inauguration.

44: Senior officials who no longer serve at the pleasure of the president President Trump’s West Wing has resembled a revolving door at Trump Tower, with at least 30 White House senior officials resigning in his first 500 days, and at least 12 more senior officials terminated during that period. Among those who no longer serve at the pleasure of the president, Trump has parted with three cabinet secretaries – Tom Price (Health and Human Services), Rex Tillerson (Secretary of State) and David Shulkin (Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs); three communications directors (Mike Dubke, Anthony Scaramucci and Hope Hicks); his first chief of staff (Reince Priebus); and Steve Bannon, his chief strategist.

14: Foreign countries visited

Trump has traveled to 14 foreign countries on five international tours, including Saudi Arabia, Israel, Belgium, Italy, Vatican City, Poland, Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, Philippines and Switzerland. He’s scheduled to go to Canada on Friday before continuing on to North Korea for his widely anticipated summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on June 12.

President Donald Trump walks from the White House to his motorcade before traveling to his Virginia golf club on Oct. 21, 2017 in Washington.
Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

364: Nights at the White House

The president has spent 364 of 500 nights at the White House, 72.8 percent of the nights he’s fallen asleep as president. Trump has slept 92 nights at properties he owns, including 55 nights at Mar-A-Lago, 31 nights at Bedminster, and six nights at Trump Tower. He’s also overnighted on Air Force One on four separate occasions and slumbered 21 nights at foreign hotels during international travel. He’s spent just three nights at hotels he doesn’t own during domestic travel.

5: Presidential pardonsWith his pardon of Dinesh D’Souza last week, President Trump has now exercised that presidential power five times during his first 500 days in office – drawing repeated criticism from his political opponents. Trump has pardoned former sheriff-turned Republican Senate candidate Joe Arpaio who was found in contempt of court; former U.S. Navy Sailor Kristian Saucier, who had pleaded guilty to unlawful retention of national defense information; Scooter Libby, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney who was caught up in the Valerie Plame scandal and convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice; heavyweight boxer Jack Johnson, who was charged with violating the White Slave Traffic Act, also known as the Mann Act, after he allegedly transferred a woman across state lines for “immoral purposes;” and D’Souza, a conservative commentator who was convicted of a felony campaign contribution fraud.

As the debate rages whether President Trump has the potential power to pardon himself, the president’s critics have fervently complained that his recent pardons raise concerns about absolving any of Trump’s friends caught in the Mueller investigation.

Barack Obama did not grant any pardons or commutations in his first 500 days in office.

94: Meetings with world leaders

From the Oval Office to Mar-a-Lago, President Trump has held at least 94 meetings with world leaders. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has received the invitation the most frequently, sitting down with Trump for seven separate bilateral meetings. The White House says Abe will meet Trump for the eighth time on Thursday in the Oval Office.

250: Calls with world leaders / Heads of state

While the White House does not read out every phone call President Trump has with foreign leaders and heads of state, ABC News has tracked 250 phone calls with them, including 24 with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom – Trump’s most frequent contact. Trump has also held 22 calls with French President Emanuel Macron and 21 calls with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

11: Direct interactions with Vladimir Putin

President Trump has held at least eight phone calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and they’ve met in person at least three times. The two leaders held one formal expanded bilateral meeting in Hamburg, Germany at the G20 summit last July, but Trump also chatted with Putin on the sidelines of that summit and at APEC in Da Nang, Vietnam on Nov. 11, 2017. The White House says it is in the very early stages of planning a bilateral summit, though the date and location have not yet been finalized.

3.8: Unemployment rate

President Trump is presiding over the lowest unemployment rate since December 1969, when it was 3.5 percent and Trump was just 23 years old. The current rate of 3.8 percent ties the jobless mark from April 2000 during Bill Clinton's final year in office.

180: Bills signed into law

More than 10,000 bills have been introduced in the 115th Congress, with President Trump signing 180 of those measures into law. While Republicans have failed to send Trump legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act or enact immigration reform, the crowning achievement is clearly the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Two additional bills that have passed both chambers of Congress await the president's signature.

192: Flights on Air Force One

President Trump has utilized his top presidential perk – Air Force One – for 192 flights so far, including five international trips, and 102 domestic stops all over the country. The president has already visited 31 of 50 states, as well as one U.S. territory. President Trump has also visited 21 of 30 states that he won in 2016, though he hasn’t visited 10 of 20 states where Hillary Clinton prevailed.

19: Florida

The most frequent destination for the president is the Sunshine State, where he’s taken 19 trips during his first 500 days in office. Trump has spent at least part of 69 days at Mar-A-Lago, the most of any destination so far during his presidency.

102: Trips to golf clubs

Trump's trips to a golf course have topped 102 excursions through his first 500 days in office, according to an ABC News tally of the president’s activities. The White House regularly refuses to confirm how many holes or complete rounds the president has played during his frequent visits to Trump-branded golf courses, but his time on the links is often documented on social media and in public statements by his golf partners. During all of the visits ABC News has tracked, Trump has enjoyed weather ideal for golf and has spent at least four hours on the grounds – long enough to complete 18 holes. At this stage of his presidency, Barack Obama had completed 37 rounds of golf.

159: Days at Trump-branded properties

Since moving into the White House, Trump has spent part of 159 days – about 31.8 percent - visiting at least one Trump-branded property – mostly his golf courses. He’s teed off just one round of golf at a property he doesn’t own, when he joined Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Kasumigaseki Country Club in Kawagoe, Japan last year. Trump has visited Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach, Florida 40 times during his presidency and 31 times to Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia since the 2017 inauguration.

44: Senior officials who no longer serve at the pleasure of the president President Trump’s West Wing has resembled a revolving door at Trump Tower, with at least 30 White House senior officials resigning in his first 500 days, and at least 12 more senior officials terminated during that period. Among those who no longer serve at the pleasure of the president, Trump has parted with three cabinet secretaries – Tom Price (Health and Human Services), Rex Tillerson (Secretary of State) and David Shulkin (Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs); three communications directors (Mike Dubke, Anthony Scaramucci and Hope Hicks); his first chief of staff (Reince Priebus); and Steve Bannon, his chief strategist.

14: Foreign countries visited

Trump has traveled to 14 foreign countries on five international tours, including Saudi Arabia, Israel, Belgium, Italy, Vatican City, Poland, Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, Philippines and Switzerland. He’s scheduled to go to Canada on Friday before continuing on to North Korea for his widely anticipated summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on June 12.

364: Nights at the White House

The president has spent 364 of 500 nights at the White House, 72.8 percent of the nights he’s fallen asleep as president. Trump has slept 92 nights at properties he owns, including 55 nights at Mar-A-Lago, 31 nights at Bedminster, and six nights at Trump Tower. He’s also overnighted on Air Force One on four separate occasions and slumbered 21 nights at foreign hotels during international travel. He’s spent just three nights at hotels he doesn’t own during domestic travel.

5: Presidential pardonsWith his pardon of Dinesh D’Souza last week, President Trump has now exercised that presidential power five times during his first 500 days in office – drawing repeated criticism from his political opponents. Trump has pardoned former sheriff-turned Republican Senate candidate Joe Arpaio who was found in contempt of court; former U.S. Navy Sailor Kristian Saucier, who had pleaded guilty to unlawful retention of national defense information; Scooter Libby, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney who was caught up in the Valerie Plame scandal and convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice; heavyweight boxer Jack Johnson, who was charged with violating the White Slave Traffic Act, also known as the Mann Act, after he allegedly transferred a woman across state lines for “immoral purposes;” and D’Souza, a conservative commentator who was convicted of a felony campaign contribution fraud.

As the debate rages whether President Trump has the potential power to pardon himself, the president’s critics have fervently complained that his recent pardons raise concerns about absolving any of Trump’s friends caught in the Mueller investigation.

Barack Obama did not grant any pardons or commutations in his first 500 days in office.

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