Mitt and Ann Romney Give ABC Interview, Senate Takes Up 'Buffett Rule,' House Hearing on GSA Spending, Plus More to Look for Monday in Politics

ByABC News
April 16, 2012, 7:49 AM

— -- Mitt and Ann Romney give their first joint network TV interview Monday with ABC News' Diane Sawyer. Segments of the interview will be on "World News with Diane Sawyer," "Nightline" and right here on Yahoo! News.

Romney, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, also will swing through Pennsylvania Monday for some campaigning. The primary there is April 24.

Congress is back in session. The Senate is scheduled to take up the "Buffett rule" proposal to increases taxes on millionaires. Republicans, who call the "Buffett rule" a political distraction and a job killer, are expected to block the bill. But Democrats are eager to hold repeated votes on it this election year in an effort to demonstrate that they favor economic equality while Republicans prefer coddling the wealthy.

Over in the House, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will hold a hearing titled "Addressing GSA's Culture of Wasteful Spending." Witnesses include General Services Administration Inspector General Brian Miller and former GSA Administrator Martha Johnson. Johnson fired two of her deputies and then resigned earlier this month after an inspector general's report revealed excessive spending for a 2010 Public Buildings Service regional training conference in Las Vegas.

There's nothing scheduled in Washington regarding the Secret Service scandal in Colombia, but, with Congress back, there is bound to be talk on Capitol Hill and more could come out of the White House. Obama said Sunday said he will be "angry" if allegations prove true that Secret Service personnel and military service members cavorted with prostitutes and engaged in excessive drinking ahead of his trip to Colombia this weekend.

And then there is this: It's Ann Romney's birthday. She turns 63 Monday.

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