#Romneyshambles: How the GOP candidate secured his own Twitter hashtag

ByABC News
July 26, 2012, 4:34 PM

— -- Mitt Romney is making quite the impression on his European tour. On his first day of official apperances in London, the candidate's remarks about security at the 2012 Olympics raised the ire of the British press.

But everyone knows you haven't really won a news cycle until Twitter has coined you a hashtag, and the microblogging service obliged Thursday afternoon with # Romneyshambles.

The tag has been used by everyone from journalists:

To those eager to combine the London missteps with older Romney gaffes:

Jill Lawless, a London-based correspondent for the AP, stepped in with some backstory on the neologism. The suffix "shambles" seems to be a popular one that's already in use around the Olympics:

The Olympics has added a trove of new phrases. They include jubilympics — the period from the queen's Diamond Jubilee in June through the Olympics, which end Aug. 12 — and omnishambles, a word first applied to government screw-ups that has been used to describe the crisis-prone buildup to the games.

#Romneyshambles is not yet trending on Twitter.