The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

ByABC News
July 14, 2008, 6:48 AM

July 14, 2008— -- 2008: McCain and Obama:

The Washington Post's Perry Bacon Jr. and Juliet Eilperin: "Candidates Pushing Hard for the Latino Vote" LINK

The Washington Times' David M. Dickson: "Candidates' tax plans agree on one thing: More debt - Analysts say 'fiscal reality' lost on both" LINK

The Washington Times' The Associated Press' Glen Johnson: "Obama mourns US troop deaths, swipes at McCain" LINK

Newsweek's Jonathan Darman: "Glow Fading? - The latest NEWSWEEK Poll shows Barack Obama leading John McCain by only 3 points. What a difference a few weeks can make." LINK

Bloomberg's Christopher Stern: "Obama Is From Google, McCain Is From AT&T on Digital-Age Rules" LINK

The Boston Herald's Star Parker: "Nov. looks like change for worse" LINK

2008: McCain:

The Washington Post's Jacques Billeaud: "McCain quips about presidential bids by Arizonans" LINK

Newsweek's Ron Moreau: "Why Vietnam Loves McCain - They jailed him for five years. Now they want him in the White House." LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Peter Wallsten: "McCain takes a Social Security risk" LINK

The Associated Press: "California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger a fan of flip-flopping" LINK

2008: Obama:

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Obama Camp Hammers New 'Ironic' New Yorker Cover Depicting Conspiracists' Nightmare of Real Obamas" LINK

The New York Times' Jeff Zeleny: "Troops in Afghanistan Need Help, Obama Says" LINK

The New York Times' Jeff Zeleny: "Obama Borrows Page From Clinton" LINK

The New York Times' Anahad O'Connor: "Schwarzenegger Weighs Post Under Obama" LINK

The Washington Post's Shailagh Murray: "In Obama's Circle, Chicago Remains The Tie That Binds" LINK

The Washington Post's Kevin Merida: "A Leader Left Behind? - Jesse Jackson's voice sparked hope long before Barack Obama's rise to political stardom. Now it's his bitter words that resound, stirring a new debate." LINK

The Politico's Mike Allen: "'Scare tactic' — Obama slams Muslim portrayal" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's June Kronholz: "Not All Democrats Want To Ride Obama's Coattails In Some Districts, Incumbents Seek Political Distance" LINK