Donald Trump Plans to Spend More on His Campaign in Final 2 Weeks

He says he will spend more than $100 million of his own money by Election Day.

ByABC News
October 26, 2016, 2:29 PM

— -- Donald Trump is willing to pour millions of dollars more into his campaign, he told ABC News, amid reports that the campaign has stopped holding big-donor fundraisers and has no plans to hold new events between now and the election.

"I mean, look, I'm going to be in for over $100 million," Trump said during an exclusive interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos this morning.

When Stephanopoulos noted that Trump has spent $56 million so far on his campaign, the Republican presidential nominee said, "Well, no, it's $61 million. But I'm spending a lot of money. And that doesn't include everything. I'm spending a lot of money.”

According to the latest Federal Election Commission filings, which cover the campaign up to Sept. 30, Trump has given a total of $56.1 million: $8.6 million in direct contributions and $47.5 million in loans. Trump could repay the loans using general campaign funds, according to FEC rules. The FEC report does not include any transactions after the Sept. 30 filing date.

Trump contrasted his personal campaign investment with opponent Hillary Clinton’s.

"She has no money invested in her campaign. Zero. Fact, I asked her at one of the debates, I said, 'Why aren't you putting up 10 or 20 or 15 or something million dollars?' And she didn't respond," he said today.

Donald Trump speaks to ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview, Oct. 26, 2016.

Clinton, according to FEC filings, did not lend her campaign any money but contributed $1.3 million as of Sept. 30, 2016.

When asked how much he will spend between now and Nov. 8, Trump declined to be specific.

"I would say a lot. I'm not going to say what. But I will be over $100 million, and it could be much more than that," he said.

The interview took place this morning at the real estate mogul's new hotel in Washington, D.C., which was having its official opening. The hotel, in the Old Post Office building, had a soft launch in September. Donald Trump, his four eldest children and his wife, Melania Trump, were on hand today for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

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