Democratic Primary Results: Clinton Projected to Win Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut; Sanders Projected to Win RI

Five states in the northeast are voting today.

ByABC News
April 26, 2016, 8:00 PM

— -- Five states head to the polls today to vote for either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders to be the Democratic presidential nominee.

Here's the latest news and below are the full Democratic results.

The Latest News:

  • ABC News projects Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic primaries in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, based on analysis of the vote.
  • ABC News projects Bernie Sanders will win the Rhode Island Democratic primary, based on analysis of the vote.
  • Connecticut

    ABC News projects Hillary Clinton will win the Connecticut Democratic primary, based on analysis of the vote.

    Democratic primary voters in The Constitution State believe Clinton has a better chance of beating Republican front-runner Donald Trump in the November general election.

    On the issue of gun control, voters in Connecticut trust Clinton over Sanders to handle gun policy.


    ABC News projects Hillary Clinton will win the Delaware Democratic primary, based on analysis of the vote.

    Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accompanied by former President Bill Clinton walks to stage at her presidential primary election night rally in Philadelphia on April 26, 2016.
    Matt Rourke/AP Photo


    ABC News projects Hillary Clinton will win the Maryland Democratic primary, based on analysis of the vote.

    A large liberal turnout, more minority voters than white voters, and voters with a desire to see President Obama's policies continued by the next president may have boosted Hillary Clinton to a win in Maryland.

    Six in 10 of Democratic primary voters are liberals in Maryland, compared to 52 percent in 2008, according to preliminary exit poll data.

    Bernie Sanders garners more support among independents rather than registered Democrats, and in a closed primary like Maryland, voters must register with a party. Sanders has yet to win in a state that holds a closed primary.

    The former secretary of state has done well so far in the Democratic race by closely aligning herself with the Obama administration’s policies. This could benefit her again tonight.

    Six in 10 Maryland voters want to see the continuation of President Obama’s policies.

    Also out of the three states, Maryland has the most nonwhite voters, and Clinton won black voters by nearly three to one.


    ABC News projects Hillary Clinton will win the Pennsylvania Democratic primary, based on analysis of the vote.

    Pennsylvania is the biggest delegate prize out of the five states voting today with 210 delegates up at stake for the Democratic candidates.

    According to preliminary exit polls, 72 percent of Pennsylvania Democratic voters think Clinton’s policies are more realistic than Sanders.

    Pennsylvania Democratic voters also see Sanders’ possible path to the nomination narrowing. Three-quarters of voters predict Clinton will be the Democratic nominee while only two in 10 voters believe Sanders will be the nominee.

    Clinton has ties to Pennsylvania – Scranton is her father’s hometown where she spent her summers as a kid and where her grandfather worked at a lace mill.

    At a primary night event in Philadelphia on Tuesday night, Clinton celebrated her projected wins.

    “With your help we're going to come back to Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention with the most votes and the most pledged delegates,” Clinton told a crowd of cheering supporters.

    Rhode Island

    ABC News projects Bernie Sanders will win the Rhode Island Democratic primary, based on the analysis of vote.

    Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders raises his fist to acknowledge the crowd before he speaks during an election night campaign event at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena on April 26, 2016, in Huntington, W.Va.
    John Minchillo/AP Photo

    “I am proud that we were able to win a resounding victory tonight in Rhode Island, the one state with an open primary where independents had a say in the outcome," Sanders said in a statement released Tuesday night.

    ABC News Analysis Desk contributed to this report.