The Note: Alarm bells over Russia's meddling as election season gets underway

The 2018 elections are here. Where is the White House response to Russia?

ByABC News
February 28, 2018, 6:05 AM

— -- The TAKE with Rick Klein

So President Donald Trump now has a 2020 campaign manager.

But his White House does not yet have a coordinated campaign to combat Russian efforts to influence the 2018 elections.

That’s the takeaway from the blunt comments of National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers, who runs the military’s cyber command and who told Congress on Tuesday that he has no policy directive or new authority to combat what he called Russia’s “sustained aggression.”

The White House responded by saying officials are considering “a number of different ways” to prevent Russian interference. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders added: “Let's recall that this happened under Obama, not under President Trump.”

But Rogers’ warning was about the future, not the past.

It’s worth remembering that election season has already arrived; yesterday was primary day in a special House race in Arizona, and the first primaries for the November elections are now less than a week away, in Texas.

Leave aside presidential tweets about the “WITCH HUNT!” as Trump continues to call Robert Mueller’s probe.

This is the latest and perhaps loudest message that American elections are under attack, even as America begins voting again.

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

President Donald Trump may be talking to governors about guns in Washington, but any changes in policy to curb gun violence will likely happen back in their home states.

That's largely because lawmakers on Capitol Hill, so far, seem uninterested, or at least not eager, to push for new safety reforms or regulations. It's also because many advocacy groups working on the issue of gun safety have been focused on state legislatures in recent years anyway.

Moms Demand Action, for example, has chapters in each state that largely work on state bills. According to the group's founder, in the time since the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, more than 200 people showed up for a new-member meeting in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and just as many for another meeting in Arlington, Virginia.

In Rhode Island this week, the Democratic governor signed an executive order based on so-called "red flag" laws in other states. It will allow police officers to get warrants and remove any guns from people seen making threats or who are viewed as dangerous by those close to them.

Cheers erupt as Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo signs an executive order, Feb. 26, 2018, in Warwick, R.I., to establish a new policy to try to keep guns away from people who show warning signs of violence.
Jennifer McDermott/AP

The Illinois statehouse this week is moving on a bill that would strengthen requirements and enforcement for gun-dealer licensing.

And in California, state lawmakers have proposed several new bills safety bills since the Florida mass shooting.

The TIP with Serena Marshall

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, whom President Donald Trump once derided during the general election campaign for his ruling on Trump University, sided with the administration in a case challenging the right to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The case challenged the administration's ability to curtail certain regulations, namely environmental, in building the structure. The administration argued it had authority under previous law, but the state of California and advocacy groups argued the administration was overreaching.

The judge decided the administration could curtail those regulations in the name of national security.

During the campaign, Trump took issue with Curiel’s handling of fraud claims against Trump University, which has since closed. Trump cited the Mexican heritage of Curiel, who was born in Indiana, as a basis for bias in that ruling.


  • Reverend Billy Graham at will lie in honor at the U.S. Capitol Rotunda starting at 11 a.m. through March 1. President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump and some congressional leaders will attend the arrival ceremony.
  • The president meets with bipartisan members of Congress to discuss school and community safety at the White House at 3 p.m.
  • Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is scheduled to appear for an arraignment and status conference at the U.S. District Court at 9:30 a.m.
  • Mississippi State Senator Chris McDaniel will be holding a "Remember Mississippi Rally" at Jones Junior College in McDaniel's hometown of Ellisville, Mississippi, to announce his senate candidacy.
  • U.S. Senator Chris Coons, D-Del., a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, will participate in a one-on-one discussion on U.S. foreign policy with Hudson Institute Distinguished Fellow Walter Russell Mead at 11:30 a.m.

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    The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead. Please check back tomorrow for the latest.

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