The Note: Florida and Arizona primaries show lure of Trumpism

The moment belongs to Sen. John McCain. But the GOP still belongs to Trump.

August 28, 2018, 6:00 AM
Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain listens as he is introduced at a campaign rally in Fayetteville, N.C., Oct. 28, 2008.
Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain listens as he is introduced at a campaign rally in Fayetteville, N.C., Oct. 28, 2008.
Brian Snyder/Reuters, FILE

The TAKE with Rick Klein

The moment belongs to Sen. John McCain. But the Republican Party still belongs to President Donald Trump.

Tuesday's primaries, highlighted by voting in Arizona and Florida, figure to demonstrate the powerful lure of Trumpism, alongside the political hibernation of McCainism.

In Florida, Trump plucked an obscure congressman and made him frontrunner in the GOP primary for governor. The outgoing governor endorsed Trump's presidential campaign relatively early, and now is a leading hope for Republican takeover of a Senate seat.

In McCain's home state of Arizona, all three Republicans have cast themselves as Trump warriors – with little of the independent streaks displayed by McCain or the man whose Senate seat is on the ballot, Republican Sen. Jeff Flake.

Trump has made at least part of this moment about himself and his differences with McCain. His arm-crossed silence on Monday when asked about McCain, and a reluctant lowering of White House flags in his honor, marked a distraction from a period of remembrance.

With his passing, McCain sought to make the nation feel optimistic about politics, while delivering a warning that was clear in its target: "We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe. We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down," McCain wrote in his farewell message.

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

If you're looking for Republicans willing to cross the aisle or casting themselves as party mavericks, you'll find a few in key House races -- interestingly, in some of the most competitive House races in the country.

Sure, it makes sense that that's where they'd be. In true swing districts, or places with Republican traditions but where Hillary Clinton did well, Republicans might need to present themselves as moderates to survive.

Still, considering how Republicans have lurched to defend the man in the White House in so many zip codes, it is fascinating that their hopes for keeping control of the House could lie with their colleagues who are carefully sidestepping him.

Take two key races in the spotlight Tuesday night: AZ-2 in Tucson and FL-27 outside Miami. Both are Republican-held districts, but ones where Hillary Clinton outperformed Trump. In both places, the Republican frontrunners are Latina women who are rather moderate on immigration and, you could say, little more than tolerant of the president.

Maria Elvira Salazar is a strong favorite in her primary and could foil Democrats' hope of picking up the seat in Florida. When asked about the president recently, she pivoted and talked about how he deserves respect, because the "office" deserves respect.

In the Arizona seat, Lea Marquez Peterson, the local Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce president, has said she focuses on policy and not what the president says.

The TIP with Elizabeth McLaughlin

Defense Secretary James Mattis and Joint Chiefs Chairman General Joseph Dunford brief reporters Tuesday morning in a rare, on-camera appearance by the Defense Department's leadership.

Mattis and Dunford have largely avoided the Pentagon briefing room -- each man appearing there on only three occasions since President Trump took office. They have briefed together only twice: once last April after the U.S. retaliated for Syria's chemical weapons attack and the other in May 2017 to talk about the war against ISIS.

From left, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford brief members of the media on air strike against Syria at the Pentagon April 13, 2018 in Arlington, Va.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Their joint appearance comes as the Pentagon press corps has become increasingly concerned about a lack of access to the department's leadership and to information more generally. Chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White has not held her once-regular Thursday briefings since the end of May. Separately, it was disclosed in the past few weeks that she is under a DOD inspector general investigation for alleged inappropriate use and treatment of staff.

The absence of the Pentagon's viewpoint has become particularly noticeable at a time when the military is often top-of-mind for the president. Mattis and Dunford have avoided the lights of the briefing room as debate raged on about the now-canceled military parade, a future Space Force, and the loss of service members in Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • It's primary day! The ABC News politics team will be live-streaming all night with primary coverage. Find us on or the ABC News app on your Apple, Android, or Roku devices.
  • Here are the opening and closing times for the polls tonight (all times EDT):
  • Arizona: open 9 a.m., close 10 p.m.
  • Florida: open 7 a.m. close 8 p.m.
  • Oklahoma: open 8 a.m., close 8 p.m.
  • President Trump holds a closed meeting with the president of FIFA at 2:45 p.m. in the Oval Office.
  • Embattled DOJ official Bruce Ohr meets behind closed doors with the House Judiciary and Oversight committees at 9 a.m.
  • Defense Secretary James Mattis and Joint Chiefs Chairman General Joseph Dunford hold an on-camera press briefing at the Pentagon.

    "I found myself on both sides of that table over the years. John and I stood shoulder to shoulder on some of the most important issues to each of us, and we also disagreed entirely on huge subjects that helped define our careers" — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on the Senate floor Monday, the first day back after John McCain's death.

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell speaks about John McCain on the Senate floor, Aug. 27, 2018.
    ABC News


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    The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead. Please check back tomorrow for the latest.

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