The Note: Friday Night Spotlight on Donald Trump

ByABC News
August 21, 2015, 9:28 AM


--JEB BUSH, DONALD TRUMP UNAPOLOGETIC FOR 'ANCHOR BABY' LANGUAGE: Jeb Bush isn't backing down over his usage of the phrase "anchor babies," a controversial term both and fellow Republican candidate Donald Trump have both used. In one of his testiest exchanges to date, Bush pushed back against reporters yesterday in Keene, NH who asked if he thought the term -- referring to the American-born children of undocumented immigrants -- was offensive. A reporter asked Bush if he regretted using the term "anchor babies" on Bill Bennett's radio show earlier this week, to which he snapped, "You give me a better term and I'll use it," ABC's CANDACE SMITH notes. ABC's TOM LLAMAS asked if the language was "bombastic," the same kind of talk from Trump Bush had knocked down just moments earlier. "Look here's the deal. What I said was it's commonly referred to that," Bush said. "That's what I said, I didn't use it as my own language...I think that people born in this country ought to be American citizens."

--ANALYSIS -- ABC's RICK KLEIN: Does Jeb Bush need Donald Trump to get his groove back? That might depend on what groove he falls into, since he's out carving a new one that adjusts to the new realities of the race. It's hard to imagine that Bush ever saw himself as likely to attack another front-running candidate for being insufficiently conservative, as he unloaded on Trump on taxes, healthcare, abortion, and even past party affiliation on Thursday. It was more fiery than Bush has been in recent weeks, though his comments are admittedly mild compared to things Trump has been saying about Bush since before the beginning of the campaign (May: "Not even a smart person"; August: "Very low energy"). Bush would surely rather not have a debate over the term "anchor babies," where he's coming under fire for using the same term as Trump, while holding the opposite position. But perhaps the most impactful statement from Bush land on Trump comes not from the candidate but from the chief strategist of his super PAC: "Trump is, frankly, other people's problem," Mike Murphy told The Washington Post.

--TODAY ON THE TRAIL with ABC's GREG CROFT: Donald Trump holds an event tonight in Mobile, Alabama is in a 50-000-seat college football stadium because of high demand. Jeb Bush will speak today at Americans for Prosperity's Defending the American Dream event in Columbus, Ohio. Ted Cruz has his turn at the soapbox at the Iowa State Fair and then holds a rally tonight in Des Moines, for which the campaign said it has received over 2,500 RSVPS as of Wednesday.


NYC TRIES TO FIND A WAY TO CANCEL CONTRACTS WITH TRUMP. Mayor de Blasio's office has concluded that New York City cannot terminate any contracts with Donald Trump. "We reviewed the city's existing contracts with Donald Trump and found no legal way to cancel these contracts. In the future, however, the mayor said he would not go out of his way to do any business with Mr. Trump," said Monica Klein, a mayoral spokeswoman. Trump has contracts with the city that include two ice skating rinks and the carousel in Central Park and a golf course in the Bronx. The mayor ordered the review of contracts after Trump mocked Sen. John McCain's status as a war hero, according to ABC's AARON KATERSKY.