The Note: Both parties on offense in Tuesday primaries

There is primary voting on Tuesday and both parties are playing some offense.

August 14, 2018, 6:00 AM

The TAKE with MaryAlice Parks

There is primary voting in four states Tuesday, and both parties are playing some offense.

In Wisconsin, there’s a lot of chatter about whether this may be the year Scott Walker gets beaten, with a gaggle of Democrats running for the chance to take on the controversial two-term governor.

And the head of the Democratic Governors Association, Jay Inslee, told ABC News recently that he thought Walker was in “deep, deep trouble.”

But then again, Democrats have thought that before, too.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announces a $500,000 state grant to support the demolition project of the long-dormant St. Croix Meadows dog racing track during a press conference at the site in Hudson, Wis, July 3, 2018.
Elizabeth Flores/Star Tribune via AP, FILE

In Connecticut, the story is similar but reversed. Republicans have been circling the outgoing and rather unpopular Democratic Gov. Dan Malloy and looking for a pick-up opportunity of their own.

There’s a gubernatorial race in Minnesota, too, this cycle, meaning Tuesday really highlights the number of competitive governors’ races this fall.

The Cook Political Report has rated a whopping 15 GOP-held governorships "toss-up" or only “lean Republican.”

Republicans currently control 33 governors’ mansions, compared to Democrats’ 16, meaning Democrats have more room to improve — and state governments could look very different very soon if it is, in fact, a wave year.

The RUNDOWN with John Verhovek

One would be hard-pressed this midterm cycle to find a state more overlooked in political importance, yet so vital in determining the balance of power in the U.S. House, than Minnesota.

Four of the state's eight congressional districts are expected to be extremely competitive this cycle and present both parties with major opportunities to flip seats.

Rep. Jason Lewis leaves the House Republican Conference meeting at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, June 13, 2018.
Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images, FILE
Rep. Erik Paulsen speaks during a news conference on new gun reform legislation at the Capitol, May 9, 2018.
Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images, FILE

Republicans are eyeing the open seat races in the state's 1st and 8th congressional districts, where timely retirements give the GOP perhaps its best chance this year to flip seats from blue to red. Donald Trump won both districts by more than 15 points and held a rally in Duluth earlier this summer to boost Pete Stauber, one candidate the GOP is particularly high on.

For Democrats, the battle is concentrated in the suburbs in and around the Twin Cities, where GOP congressmen Jason Lewis and Eric Paulsen are expected to face spirited and well-funded challengers. Looming over Lewis' re-election bid is the string of stories highlighting his controversial comments as the host of a local radio show, including his lamenting the fact that women can no longer be called "sluts."

While normally thought of as a Democratic stronghold, Minnesota sided with Hillary Clinton by fewer than two points in the 2016 election, and Tuesday will again provide a snapshot of the state's political identity in the era of Trump.

The TIP with Mariam Khan

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, the North Dakota Democrat, is dancing a delicate dance as she tries to hang on to her seat in one of the hottest midterm races this year. She's running for re-election in a red state Trump owned in the 2016 presidential election, and now she is out with a new ad released by her campaign Tuesday and seen first on ABC News.

"There are too many people who only vote on one side 100 percent of the time. And that'll never be me," Heitkamp vows in the new ad.

"We might not agree on everything, but in North Dakota, we always find a way to work things out," Heitkamp says in the 30-second spot.

Senator Heidi Heitkamp speaks at a press conference about the proposed Central American Reform And Enforcement Act at the Capitol, June 27, 2018.
Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images, FILE

Last year, Heitkamp was one of three Senate Democrats to vote for Neil Gorsuch, Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

All eyes are on Heitkamp this time around in the SCOTUS confirmation battle for Trump's latest pick, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

(She plans to meet with Kavanaugh on Wednesday, when the Senate returns from its shortened August recess.)

The incumbent senator has to show she's willing to support Trump's Republican agenda if she thinks it’s the right move for her constituents, while also holding on to her Democratic roots.

One thing she's not willing to do? Promise to vote with the president 100 percent of the time, which her Republican opponent, Rep. Kevin Cramer, pledged to do on stage during a Trump campaign rally in June.


  • President Trump has lunch with the Secretary of State at 12:15 p.m.
  • Connecticut primary election polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. EDT for governor and U.S. Senate and House races.
  • Minnesota and Wisconsin primary election polls open at 8 a.m. and close at 9 p.m. EDT for governor, U.S. Senate and House races and the Minnesota attorney general race.
  • In Vermont, polls open between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. depending on location and close at 7 p.m. EDT for the gubernatorial primary.
  • ABC News will provide updated results on each of the four states throughout the evening.

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