The Note: Trump’s pardon power

President Donald Trump has pardons on his mind.

April 23, 2018, 5:44 AM

The TAKE with Rick Klein

President Donald Trump has pardons on his mind – at least when Sylvester Stallone calls.

What more he might ponder in this area may rank among the most consequential decisions of this phase of his presidency.

Trump has already used his two highest-profile pardons– of Joe Arpaio, and then of Scooter Libby – to send signals about loyalty, and about special counsel probes that stray from their original purpose.

He’s using tweets now to convey loyalty to Michael Cohen in a matter that grew out of – and appears far away from – the special counsel investigation that haunts his presidency.

Whether Trump fires Rod Rosenstein and whether he talks to Robert Mueller’s team are very big deals, of course. But bigger still could be whether the likes of Cohen and Paul Manafort think they might have reasons to expect presidential forgiveness in their futures.

PHOTO: Michael Cohen, personal lawyer of President Donald Trump, arrives for a court hearing at the US Courthouse in New York, April 16, 2018. Cohen has been under criminal investigation and FBI agents last week raided his home and other locations.
Michael Cohen, personal lawyer of President Donald Trump, arrives for a court hearing at the US Courthouse in New York, April 16, 2018. Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months over his business dealings, and FBI agents last week raided his home, hotel room, office, a safety deposit box and seized two cellphones.
Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty Images

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

"It’s hard to win elections when you have interference in elections," Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez told ABC's George Stephanopoulos yesterday.

But it may also be hard to win elections, if you're focused on interference.

Ideally, governments, not parties after all, protect the integrity of campaigns and voting booths.

Over the weekend, Democratic lawmakers and activists seemed split about their party's lawsuit against the Trump campaign and Russian government over the hack of DNC computer systems in 2016.

Jane Kleeb, chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party wrote to ABC News applauding the decision, "Our base and independents all want to see fairness in our elections and accountability."

Others, though, remained skeptical that the move may make the party looked obsessed with past losses and distracted.

California's Rep. Jackie Speier called the suit "ill-conceived."

One senior Democratic staffer wrote in an email to ABC News that while the move may good for democracy, that doesn't mean it will help the party win votes.

The TIP with Emily Goodin

What’s in a name?

For Mitt Romney, it wasn’t enough to guarantee him the Republican Senate nomination in Utah.

The former GOP presidential nominee and ex-governor who was talked about as a possible secretary of state for President Trump has looked to the Beehive state to restart his political career.

That plan hit a big bump in the road on Saturday when the state party convention failed to give him the 60 percent support he needed for the nomination and forced him into a June 26 primary with state Rep. Mike Kennedy.

Romney is expected to win the primary and, ultimately, be the next senator from the state of Utah.

But what happened to him on Saturday is a lesson for both parties: not even a name, a pedigree, a resume and plenty of money is a guarantee. And, in politics, anything can happen.

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney waves after speaking about the tech sector during an industry conference, in Salt Lake City, Jan. 19, 2018.
Rick Bowmer/AP


  • President Trump hosts French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte at the White House for the first state visit of the Trump administration.
  • The Senate Foreign Relations Committee votes on President Trump’s nominee to be secretary of state, CIA director Mike Pompeo.
  • Vice President Mike Pence swears in Jim Bridenstine as NASA’s new administrator at 2:30 pm.
  • The Senate reconvenes to resume consideration of the nomination of Stuart Kyle Duncan to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit.

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    President Trump, first lady to host Macrons at Mount Vernon. In a nod to history and the special relationship between the United States and one of the nation's oldest allies, President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump will host the President France Emmanuel Macron and his wife for a rare private dinner at George Washington’s Mount Vernon estate. (Meridith McGraw)

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    DNC suing Trump and Russia because US has ‘not imposed sufficient costs’ on Moscow for election meddling: Perez. The chairman of the Democratic National Committee said the party’s civil lawsuit against the Trump campaign and Russia aims to deter Moscow from interfering in the 2018 midterm elections. (Andres Del Agula)

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    EPA chief recorded a single, one-hour meeting on day 1 of Morocco trip. The Environmental Protection Agency has released new details about Administrator Scott Pruitt's schedule in Morocco last year that show he was scheduled for only one meeting on the first day of the costly trip. (Stephanie Ebbs)

    Man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat, Trump shirt attacks Hispanic subway rider in New York, police say. Police in New York City are searching for a subway commuter who did anything but "Make America Great Again." New York ABC station WABC reports the New York City Police Department is looking for a man who attacked a fellow subway rider on Friday. The suspect was wearing a red "Make America Great Again" cap, sold by Donald Trump during his presidential campaign, and a red "Make America Great Again" T-shirt at the time of the attack, police said. (Mark Osborne)

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    The New York Times reports Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, met personally last year with J. Steven Hard, the lobbyist whose wife had rented him a $50-a-night Capitol Hill condo, a disclosure that contradicts earlier statements.

    The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead.

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