Transcript of Phyllis Hunter's Convention Speech

ByABC News
August 3, 2000, 7:38 PM

Aug. 3 -- Texas teacher Phyllis Hunter told the Republican National Convention what Gov. George W. Bush has done for education in her state. Read a full transcript of her remarks here.

Phylllis Hunter:

My friends It is a privilege to be here supporting someone I really believe in. Someone I have worked with. Who cares about all children. Who wants no child left behind.

George W. Bush.

Everywhere I go people ask me why I support his education reforms. And I tell them: Because hes out there leading and hes right on reading. I cant help but follow him.

Hes changed the way Texas thinks about education. At one time, children who fell behind just slipped through the cracks and out of sight. I was in those schools. And I can tell you that few noticed until Governor Bush said, This is unacceptable. Every child deserves a fair shot at the American dream. No matter what color, creed or zip code. And the key to a good education is reading.

Reading is the new civil right! He raised the bar.

He said were gonna set high standards, demand results and stop social promotion.

And we will teach every child to read by third grade.

He gave us the tools to do the job: a rigorous curriculum. Diagnostics. Reading academies. Teachers academies.

And resources money.

And student achievement soared. African-American and Hispanic eighth-graders are ranked 1st and 2nd in the nation in writing.

And African-American 4th graders lead in math achievement.

He will give Americas schools and parents the flexibility, freedom, and resources to challenge all of our childrens minds and change their lives.George Washington Carver said, Where there is no vision, there is no hope.

Ive been to many classrooms. Ive seen what were up against. And I can tell you Ive looked in Governor Bushs eyes. I know his heart. And hes got the vision, if weve got the courage to hope, and to act.