Here's One Thing Hillary Clinton Left Off Her LinkedIn Resume

Even Hillary uses the social media site.

ByABC News
May 21, 2015, 11:15 AM
Hillary Rodham Clinton participates in a roundtable discussion with students and educators during a campaign event at the  Kirkwood Community College April 13, 2015 in Monticello, Iowa.
Hillary Rodham Clinton participates in a roundtable discussion with students and educators during a campaign event at the Kirkwood Community College April 13, 2015 in Monticello, Iowa.
Michael B. Thomas/AFP/Getty Images

— -- Like so many job seekers, Hillary Clinton, has posted her resume to LinkedIn, the social media site that helps professionals connect and find work.

She included her education (Wellesley College and Yale Law School), the books she’s published, as well as a long list of the various positions she's held throughout her career -- going all the way back to her days as a staff lawyer for the Child Defense Fund and an attorney for Rose Law Firm in Arkansas during 1970’s.

She even lists her current position: “2016 Presidential Candidate.”

But there's at least one thing missing from Clinton's extensive resume: Her first -- and failed -- attempt at the same job she’s seeking now.

Clinton left off her roughly year-and-a-half long stint as a presidential candidate from 2007 to 2008.

The experience section of Hillary Clinton's LinkedIn profile.

In addition, Clinton appears to have made at least one error. She is listed as being a First Lady from 1993 to 2000. Clinton actually held the role until January 2001.

We'll chalk it up to a technicality.