What we know about Trump's alleged disclosures to Russian officials

The White House has denied that Trump shared sensitive intel.

ByABC News
May 16, 2017, 3:51 PM

— -- The bombshell report that President Donald Trump allegedly shared highly classified intelligence with Russian officials has prompted a number of statements from his top advisers and Trump himself.

Questions continue to swirl in the wake of the allegations, reported first by The Washington Post on Monday afternoon.

Here is a roundup of the facts that have emerged.

What we know

According to the Post, Trump shared classified information with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the U.S., last Wednesday when they met at the White House.

The Post reported that the nature of the information was related to an Islamic State terrorist threat and was gathered by a United States intelligence partner. Russia is not a partner in the intelligence-sharing arrangement from which the information originated.

The White House released a statement shortly after the report was published, calling the story "false."

National security adviser H.R. McMaster issued a statement outside the White House on Monday, saying, "At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed. And the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known."

"I was in the room. It didn't happen," he added.

US National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster speaking to the press outside of the West Wing of the White House, May 15, 2017.
Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson released a statement saying, "The nature of specific threats were discussed, but they did not discuss sources, methods or military operations."

A senior U.S. official told ABC News that White House officials placed calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency to alert them that Trump shared information with the Russians. The official said that the calls were intended to make sure there was no misunderstanding about what he said.

The official also said that the meeting's notes were edited to remove sensitive information and that such redactions are routine.

Trump suggested in two Twitter posts this morning that he had the authority to divulge information to his Russian guests.

"As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining.... to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism," he wrote.

Speaking to reporters off-camera this afternoon, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump’s meeting was "a discussion about a shared aviation threat."

"They shared and discussed a shared threat that our two countries have," he said.

During a press briefing today, McMaster said Trump "wasn't even aware where this information came from. He wasn't briefed on the source or method of the information [collection] either."

What we still don't know

The biggest questions that remain concern what exactly Trump said during the interaction and details about the intelligence that was disclosed.

McMaster and Tillerson said that the methods and sources of the information were not discussed, but John Cohen, an ABC News contributor and a former counterterrorism and intelligence official at the Department of Homeland Security, noted that every piece of information associated with such intelligence could give clues and lead to action.

Moreover, McMaster said that Trump made his decision based on the nature of the conversation. If there was no prior discussion about the disclosure, a typical interagency approval procedure may not have been followed.

This handout photo taken on May 10, 2017 and made available by the Russian Foreign Ministry shows President Donald J. Trump meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in the Oval office at the White House in Washington, DC.
Russian Foreign Ministry/AFP/Getty Images

"He made the decision in the context of the conversation, which was wholly appropriate," McMaster said of Trump.

Cohen said the intelligence community and National Security Council have a very deliberative process for sharing sensitive information.

"If the president wants to share intelligence with a country like Russia and ultimately if the original source of the intelligence is a foreign country, whoever is coordinating with the country — whether it's the CIA or the NSA — they go back and get permission from that country. The second part of the process is our intelligence officials will take a subset of the information that was originally provided so they can convey the threat and not disclose sources and methods and other sensitive information," Cohen said.

According to the Post, "The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia," suggesting the process Cohen described was ignored or retroactively followed.

"It creates the risk that the original provider of the information will be less inclined to share sensitive intelligence in the future," Cohen said. "That, I am sure, is what has intelligence officials concerned."

Some other key questions that need to be answered concern which country or agency provided the intelligence to the U.S., whether the conversation between Trump and the Russian officials was recorded and why he decided to share the information with them.

ABC News' Jonathan Karl and Cecilia Vega contributed to this report.

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