Wisconsin Governor Race 2014: ABC News' '14 For '14'

Wisconsin Governor Race 2014

ByABC News
January 29, 2014, 4:38 PM
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is running for re-election in 2014.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is running for re-election in 2014.
Jacquelyn Martin/AP Photo

— -- ABC News' "14 For 14" project is documenting 14 races that matter between now and November. This page will be updated throughout the year. See the full list of 2014 midterm election contests the ABC News political team is tracking.


Scott Walker is the only governor in American history to win a gubernatorial recall election, and he's governed as a budget-cutting, union-breaking conservative in a purple state. A third statewide victory inside of four years would give him quite the launching pad for a White House bid. An upset in the Dairyland could spell an end to Walker's rapid rise through Republican ranks and eliminate him from 2016 chatter. Democrats hope a rising star of their own can bring Wisconsin back into their fold. Burke served as an executive in the Trek Bicycle Corp., which was founded by her father.


Expectations are high for Walker, though head-to-head polling shows Burke could make the race competitive. A Marquette University Law School Poll shows Walker with a 47-45 lead over Burke, within the poll's margin of error. Republican Governors Association Executive Director Phil Cox calls Burke a "sacrificial lamb," while Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin, chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, maintains that she is "a champion for small businesses and world-class schools" - a clear reference to Walker's deep unpopularity among teachers.




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