Q&A: Sylvester Stallone

ByABC News
April 27, 2001, 1:56 PM

— -- Sylvester Stallone, star of the new film Driven takes the PrimeTime Q&A.

Q: Outside of your spouse, who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with?

A: Probably someone who could build a boat. I would say a Norwegian boat builder or a good chef.

Q: If you weren't an actor, what would you like to be?

A: An opera singer, because I'm fascinated with that too When I open my mouth, usually chickens come, dogs come running. When they open their mouths it's extraordinary.

Q: What's your favorite snack?A: My favorite snack would have to be Fritos, no doubt about it. Fritos and mayonnaise. I know. Really healthy, isn't it?

Q: What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?A: The most embarrassing moment of my life, I think, was when my mother had hired an interior decorator to do all this work, and he was a fellow who didn't have very good eyesight, which is very odd to have an interior decorator like that she'd promised him a date with Julie Neumar, the Catwoman from Batman, and unfortunately, she didn't know Julie Neumar, so she wanted me to come down there with like mouse ears on and pretend I was Catwoman, which I obliged. And he bought it.

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