Q&A: Hugh Grant

ByABC News
April 11, 2001, 4:50 PM

April 12 — -- Before Bridget Jones's Diary makes its way to theaters, Hugh Grant sits down for the PrimeTime Q&A.

Q: If you could be anyone in history who would it be?A: Very difficult question, but I think I rather fancy being Geronimo, the Native American. I always think I would be good with a Tomahawk and I'd like to be quite savage.

Q: What is your favorite movie?A: Strangely, on a similar theme, my favorite movie is Zulu It's a fantastic film and they sort of hold out and it's a marvelous performance by Jack Hawkins as a priest who goes mad and has lines like: "Don't you understand? You're all going to die." You have to rent it.

Q: What makes you really mad?A: Well, so many things. I'm incredibly irritable now and terrible things I'm ashamed of: Very old people walking slowly in front of me is almost unbearable. I want to rabbit punch them in the back of the neck, and that's not good.

Q: What would you order for your last meal?A: I think it would have to be a nice hot spotted dick it's an English pudding. Very delicious.

Q: Who would you like be stranded on a desert island with?A: I don't know any good quality basketball seems to work well.

Q: What talent or skill would you like to have?A: I have always admired trapeze artists, but I am not sure I could I did once try it on a Club Med holiday and I had to be helped sobbing down the ladder again because I got vertigo the second I got to the top.

Q: If you weren't an actor, what would you want to be?A: As a child growing up, I very much wanted to be a wrestler and I just don't know if that is going to happen now. I think it's too late in the day.

Q: What have you done that is your biggest regret?A: I did as a child stick a lot of apple peel up my nose once just out of interest to see what would happen and actually its horrible. It got right up almost to my brain and had to be removed by a very top London surgeon and I remember regretting it.

Q: What is the happiest moment in your life?A: I think it was getting it out the apple peel.