American men's curling team wins gold medal for 1st time ever at Olympics 2018

The men's curling team won the gold medal for the first ever at the Olympics.

ByABC News
February 24, 2018, 8:45 AM

— -- John Shuster and his “ragtag squad” made history for the United States by winning its first-ever gold medal in curling.

"It feels almost unbelievable," said curler Matt Hamilton immediately after the match. "We came out here with great intensity and just had to believe we could do it."

Neither the Americans, who were slight underdogs, nor their Swedish opponents had ever been in the Olympic finals.

The Americans knew Sweden’s strategy would be to make a lot of shots and they would have to challenge them during each end -- similar to an inning in baseball -- on the sheet, or ice.

Tied at 5-5 in the 8th end, team USA took a commanding lead after a tactical error by Sweden, which left the door open for the Americans to score five points and secure their gold medal victory.

The Swedish team conceded in the last end knowing they could not win. The United States won, 10-7.

"Believing in ourselves, playing the way we know how," said John Landsteiner. "One of our goals was to come out and be ourselves."

Americans John Landsteiner, skip John Shuster, and Matt Hamilton, left to right, of the U.S. curling team in action during the curling men's gold medal final match between USA and Sweden, Feb. 24, 2018.
How Hwee Young/EPA via Shutterstock

The first ends were evenly balanced with the team in gold position flipping back and forth throughout.

A Shuster miss in the second end gave Sweden a chance to take an early lead with two points. But the U.S. captain came back with a perfect last shot, or hammer, to equalize in the third.

By the fourth end an overthrown stone from Sweden’s Niklus Edin meant the first and only call for a measurement to see which stone was closest to the center of the "house" -– the area that looks like a bullseye.

    Team USA took the lead, 3-2. Shuster then overshot on his last delivery and Sweden was able to score two and again take the lead, but by the sixth Team USA had retaken the lead.

    Hamilton then drew cheers from the stands by delivering a perfect slide in the 7th end.

    Skip Niklus Edin had a big miss that triggered a flurry of comments on social media. But he managed to salvage one point to tie.

    Another error by Edin in the 8th sealed the victory for the "ragtags."

    Fans of the U.S. curling team, who were in the stands at Gangneung Centre, react after the U.S. won the gold medal in the men's curling final between Sweden and USA, Feb. 24, 2018.
    Javier Etxezarreta/ EPA via Shutterstock

    "This is what you dream about as a teenager," said Tyler George before the team faced Canada in the semifinals. "Big brother up north! The ice sports! The northern stuff! Anytime we can take one off of them it’s a big feather in our cap."

    The Americans' victory over three-time defending Olympic champions Canada, which came down to the last stone, stunned the curling world. Shuster and his team battled down to the wire, rallying late as they have had to throughout most of the early parts of the tournament.

    Curling is often overshadowed by the more well-known winter sports and more famous athletes. The U.S. men’s curling team members are hardly household names. But they have deftly maneuvered through the early stages of the competition by leaning on each other.

    "We have been in tough situations where our backs have been up against the wall," said Hamilton.

    Going into the gold medal match he and the team knew what had to be done.

    "It is really all about positivity," he added, saying they "just have to believe we can do it and keep making [a] shot."

    Sweden reportedly prepared for the curling event by playing hours of billiards, learning from the pool table how the balls react to particular shots. A major difference in curling, however, is that the sheet is "pebbled," or has a rough finish, which affects the movement of the stone. Aggressive sweeping can change the direction of the stone as the broom warms the ice and alters the surface.

    In the early rounds TEAM USA was struggling with a 2-2 standing with some predicting another dismal result for the team at Pyeongchang; it had finished 9th and 10th in the last two Olympics.

    But the Americans fought back by winning three games in a row to advance to the semifinals.

    With the Americans' run, suddenly curling is in the limelight again. The broom, skip, hammer, button and sheet terms are being introduced, as they are every four years, to the American public.

    American John Shuster celebrates a point during the curling men's gold medal game between the USA and Sweden, Feb. 24, 2018.
    Wang Zhao/AFP/Getty Images

    For Shuster, this is his fourth Olympic run, and his third as skip, or captain. His teammates credit him for leading them during tough victories.

    "He knows the game very well. He knows the right things to say to his teammates and how to get the best out of them," said Landsteiner after an earlier match victory.

    Shuster was passed over when USA Curling started a high-performance program after the Sochi Games to strengthen the curling athletic program. The snub forced him to rethink his approach to the sport.

    He put himself on a physical fitness program, lost 35 pounds and sought out curlers with potential who had also been overlooked for the elite squad. The players he convinced to join him were nicknamed the “ragtag” team, which went on to qualify for Pyeongchang.

    Meanwhile, Ivanka Trump, who is heading the official U.S.A delegation to the closing ceremony, was in the crowd cheering on TEAM USA. But it was Shuster’s 4-year-old son, Luke, who has been the most vocal fan.

    Ivanka Trump was seen laughing and joking with the young cheerleader between ends.

    “He just loves being loud and making sure that I can hear that he’s here," joked Shuster. "He is doing his best to cheer me on. His favorite one is to give me a U, give me an S, give me an A. Who are we? And then everyone chants -- USA."

    Curling fans throughout the United States were doing the same.

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