Dodgers Apologize to Lesbian Couple
W E S T H O L L Y W O O D, Calif., Aug. 24 -- The Dodgers apologized Wednesdayto a lesbian couple ejected from Dodger Stadium earlier this monthafter the two shared a kiss during a game against the Chicago Cubs.
“I was troubled … because of what it implied about the Dodgerorganization,” team president Bob Graziano said.
“It means a lot to me that you are Dodger fans,” he said toDanielle Goldey and Meredith Kott. “We will continue to do theright thing.”
The two were escorted out of the ballpark on Aug. 8. Goldey andKott say they initially were not told why they were being ejected,but later they were told that someone complained and said childrenshould not be exposed to “those people.”
“We were pulled out of our seats and we didn’t even know why,” Goldey said of the incident. “Meanwhile, because there were so many people, it … caused a scene and fans started booing the security guards.”
Tickets Donated
The couple said their companions, a heterosexual couple, alsokissed but were not ejected. Because of this, they felt the actionof the eight security guards was discrimination.
In addition to the public apology, the Dodgers donated 5,000tickets to three gay and lesbian organizations and promisedsensitivity training for their employees.
“I think they stepped up to the plate more than they had to,”Goldey said. “All we wanted was an apology … I’m very proud tobe a Dodger fan.”
“I’m extremely happy with the results,” Kott said.
Threatened Lawsuit
The couple had planned to file a civil rights lawsuit if theDodgers had not apologized, according to their lawyer, BernieBernheim. He said he first thought the Dodgers might have a policyagainst gay and lesbian couples showing affection in the ballpark.
“I’m frankly shocked,” Bernheim said. “Their response isatypical and outstanding.” He said the Dodgers have done more tomake amends than any other corporation he’s dealt with.