Is throwing bare-handed bearable?

ByABC News
January 29, 2014, 12:57 PM

— -- In anticipation of the first outdoor Super Bowl in a cold-weather location, recently tasked its NFL Nation team reporters with finding out which quarterbacks rely on gloves in frigid temperatures. Here's a sampling of the quarterbacks' answers:

Russell Wilson, Seattle Seahawks

"I've practiced with wearing a glove every once and a while on my left hand. I wouldn't need to wear one on my right hand, I don't think. My hands are pretty big, so that kind of helps, but I don't plan [on] using a glove unless something is extremely bad. But, yes, I have practiced with it once or twice."

-- Terry Blount

Peyton Manning, Denver Broncos

Manning has been wearing a glove on his throwing hand regardless of the weather because nerves that impact his grip were affected by neck surgery.

"It's just part of the adjustment I've kind of had to make. I've said that I've had to make a lot of changes in this point in my career. I'm kind of coming off an injury and different team. It's just been part of the adjustment, so I don't know what game-changer really means exactly, but it's part of the adjustment that I've made and tried to adjust and still working through it kind of each time that I wear it."

On finding gloves that he believes works:

"I've experimented with them throughout my career, even when I was in Indy. I never just quite found a pair that I liked, so I finally found a pair that I liked. … The equipment guys kind of researched and gave me some options. Found a pair that I liked."

-- Jeff Legwold

Jay Cutler, Chicago Bears

"I won't wear gloves in a game because I can't really feel the football. I can't snap off of [the football]. I can't snap it off. So that's why I don't like it. I've only tried it a couple of times in Denver, but I've never messed with it. Josh [McCown] messed with it a little bit. Jordan [Palmer] really likes it. But I like to be able to feel the ball. When I have gloves on, I feel like you have to take some off of [my throws] and just kind of draft it out there. I just can't do it."

-- Michael Wright

Cam Newton, Carolina Panthers

"I'm not putting gloves on. That's just a player's preference. I haven't played in a game that was too cold. I've played in all types of weather dating back to high school. I just don't feel comfortable with gloves on."

-- David Newton

Jason Campbell, Cleveland Browns

"I've never worn them. I've only worn them on my off hand. I just like the feel of the ball when throwing it. I know a lot of guys wear them. I just like the feel of the ball when throwing it. I wish I knew how to wear them, where I could find the right fit. … Some of the guys throw well with them. Ben [Roethlisberger] throws real well. I tried one out in practice, but not as we were throwing. Just long throws. It just didn't feel right. I guess it takes some time getting used to it. We play in the [AFC] North; it's cold. It's probably something I should try out."

-- Pat McManamon

Kellen Clemens, St. Louis Rams

"I've flirted with it [wearing gloves]. I've played around with it. Just because, if that situation comes up, you don't want it to be the first time. I couldn't tell you what that degree mark would be. It's more of a 'can't feel my hand' [kind of thing]. Practice, after the season -- that's a great opportunity to gain reps, so I've tinkered with some different things and tried it because you never know when you're going to need it.

"And it seems like it's kind of the thing that's coming into vogue, so I'm big on trends. If you look at my wardrobe, I'm very big on staying up with what's in style."

-- Nick Wagoner

Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco 49ers

"I did at college late in the season at home because Reno [Nev.] weather caused things to get a little slippery, and it was fine. But I haven't in the NFL, and I just don't think I'd ever have to. I haven't had the situation, but I would wear it if I really had to."

-- Bill Williamson

Thad Lewis, Buffalo Bills

"Hell no. Am I going to wear a glove? No, I don't wear gloves. It don't matter how cold it is. I won't wear a glove. I have to feel the ball."

-- Mike Rodak

Matthew Stafford, Detroit Lions

"The only reason I played with a glove on my right hand two years ago is because I had a broken finger. But I've never really given it much thought. If I can grip the ball bare-handed, I'm going to grip it. It's kind of like a feel thing. I don't know if there's an actual temperature or anything. It's just kind of a feel."

-- Michael Rothstein

Carson Palmer, Arizona Cardinals

"I haven't worn one in a while. If it's below zero [degrees], that's cold to me. Anything above zero is not bad. It'd probably have to be below zero.

"Once it gets below zero, if your hand is exposed to the air for too long, you start losing feeling, and quarterbacks can't lose feeling in their hands."

-- Josh Weinfuss

Alex Smith, Kansas City Chiefs

"I've fooled around with it. I've worn it out here in practice before. It just depends. I haven't had to make that decision yet. I felt good enough in all these games as far as temperature and conditions that it felt good enough not to wear them.

"I would certainly never say never. I've had more experience with them this year than I've had in a long time, playing out in California. I don't want to say never. A lot of guys are going to them, especially in cold weather."

-- Adam Teicher

Matt McGloin, Oakland Raiders

"I tried it because the equipment guys recommended it, and I tried it a few times in practice. I just don't like it for some reason. I'm not a fan of it. I know a lot of guys do, and I think the reasoning behind it is -- and I could be wrong -- but I heard when Kurt Warner used to do it, he would wear the gloves so every ball would feel the same. There's a lot of times, when it gets cold, the ball would be slick, but I think I do a pretty good job of trying to keep my hands moist and keep them in my hand warmer and stuff like that. I'm not really a fan of gloves."

-- Paul Gutierrez

Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints

"I don't wear them unless there's moisture, like when we were in the rain at Carolina. Or Tampa Bay. But not just for cold weather."

-- Mike Triplett