Don't Get Sick in Scotland, and Other Gaming Tips

ByABC News
April 5, 2009, 3:05 PM

— -- As chance would have it, my trip to Scotland last week — a trip on which I'd planned to regale you with rousing tales of finger-perched gaming glory — soured, in so many words, over a piece of salmon. Not the salmon, I suspect, but rather something topping the salmon that looked like it'd been squeezed from a giant tube, roughly the color of pea soup with the consistency of whipped eggs. Astronaut Green Quiche, if you will, and I have to say, it made its return to the world as appetizingly as it exited.

Thus my absence toward the end of last week, during which time I missed the whole April Fool's mash (and you, a headline something like "Sony Ups PlayStation 3 Price by $100, Adds HD-DVD Player").

In not-fooling news, Sony gave away a version of Qore Episode 11 for free this week, so if you haven't tried it, show Fat Princess some love and check it out. They also released PS3 firmware version 2.70, which essentially adds text chat, a more sensible friends list, and — worth more than the last dozen updates combined — the option to back up video files to an external storage device. Bravo, that.

A bunch of folks published their hands-on impressions of Punch-Out!! for the Wii. Consensus? It's ridiculously faithful to the original, the trademark Wii "waggle" seems not to hamper your ability to discerningly punch or block, and it won't support the MotionPlus, meaning the ol' one-two's about all you'll be able to do reliably. Nintendo blocked coverage of the game's reportedly many alternative modes, so it's still anyone's guess whether Punch-Out!! has eyes for more than nostalgia hounds and/or kid-gloves pugilists.

Grab a box of tissues, it seems one of the guys involved with Star Fox over the years isn't interested in making a Star Fox game for the Wii. Which, translation here, means we'll almost certainly see a Star Fox game for the Wii anyway (these one-off stories amount to zilch in official coin). Oh, and you guys know the "original Star Fox creator" (G4's words) was Shigeru Miyamoto, right? Not sure how that suddenly became Dylan Cuthbert, a guy who was strictly involved with the original at the programmatic level. I know, programmer's are creators too, but that's just torturing semantics.

Did you get your hands on the Red Faction: Guerilla demo which made its way out to Qore subscribers on Thursday? I didn't, and I'm lukewarm on the last few games in the series, but Volition's hit a few home runs lately like Saints Row and Saints Row 2. I'll let you know what I think if I get to it this week.

Matt Peckham is still basking in the afterglow of turning his insides out on the Isle of Skye. You can track him at