Apollo Missions Like You've Never Seen Them Before

Thousands of images from historic missions released online.

ByABC News
October 5, 2015, 11:04 AM

— -- Check out these moon shots!

A treasure trove of thousands of high resolution images taken during the manned Apollo missions have been curated in a new Flickr gallery.

While the photos were obtained from NASA, the new gallery is an independent project run by Kipp Teague, who first created the Project Apollo Archive in 1999. The gallery includes new and unprocessed photos of the Apollo missions.

Astronauts are seen walking on the moon's cratered surface. There are iconic shots including the American flag on the moon, while other photos show astronauts smiling inside the spacecraft during the journey to the moon and back.

The Project Apollo Archive released thousands of images made by NASA astronauts during several missions to the moon in their original unprocessed condition.
The Project Apollo Archive released thousands of images made by NASA astronauts during several missions to the moon in their original unprocessed condition.
The Project Apollo Archive released thousands of images made by NASA astronauts during several missions to the moon in their original unprocessed condition.
The Project Apollo Archive released thousands of images made by NASA astronauts during several missions to the moon in their original unprocessed condition.